Delta Red Cammy cosplay |
Out of all the alternate Cammy colors, I think I like the blue outfit the best. Some of the other Delta Red members even wear blue outfits, so it even seems normal. Unfortunately, I don't have all that many blue Delta Red Cammy cosplay pictures. I'da thought there would be more. BTW, check out the Personal 1 gallery for some more really good pictures of a blue DR Cammy I met. |
Alisa's Blue Cammy 1 152k
(541x800) Here's Alisa with Katie dressed as Vega (aka M. Bison). They met at the show. Normally, Cammy and Vega would be fighting at first sight, but cosplay is all for fun, so there was no fighting... just fun! |
Alisa's Blue Cammy 2 158k
(372x771) No set of Delta Red Cammy cosplay pictures is complete without a picture of her turn-around win pose. So here you go! |
Alisa's Blue Cammy 3 132k
(362x700) And this is my personal favorite. It's just a simple pose, but I really like the way she's holding her pigtails. I've never ever seen a picture of Cammy holding her pigtails like that! |
And for more great pictures of Alisa cosplaying Cammy (almost 20 more pictures!), check out Alisa's website. Besides Cammy, you'll find a ton of other interesting stuff. Set aside a few hours and have fun exploring a great site! |
Makura 1 60k (394x701) Here's Makura again. She's cosplayed as Cammy many times. Look through the other galleries, and you'll see lots more of her. BTW, check out Ronald McDonald walking behind her! ^_^ |
Cammy 1a 66k (576x768) This girl's pictures take up most of the gallery, but that's okay because she's really good! |
Cammy 1b 50k (487x691) Here she is going her SSF2 select screen pose. Very, very clever!! All Cammy cosplayers should know Cammy's real poses. |
Cammy 1c 43k (383x512) Ha ha ha... the guy who took this picture pretended to photograph the girl in red and white, but he really wanted Cammy's butt! ^_^ |
Cammy 1d 31k (509x503) Not only does this Cammy look really good, but she's got a ton of poses! No wonder there are so many pictures of her. |
Cammy 1e 42k (768x512) I'm not really sure what this pose is, but it's different, and that's always good to see. I've never really seen and fighting poses... like Cammy's fierce punch or something like that. |
Cammy 1f 46k (487x691) Another thing I really love about this Cammy, is that she really looks like she's having a lotta fun being Cammy! |
Cammy 1g 74k (576x768) This is a close-up of the pose from picture 1e. The color's not all that good on this one, but you shoulda seen what it looked like before I worked on it! I've actually improved the quality of a lot of these cosplay pictures. |
Cammy 1h 36k (384x512) I know she looks green on the thumbnail, but it really is a blue suit! |
Cammy 1i 17k (204x305) This is a nice picture with a URL on it... unfortunately, that site doesn't exist anymore. |
Cammy 1j 56k (228x425) Here's a good look at the whole outfit. Aside from a few minor details, this is one of the best-looking outfits I've seen. |
Cammy 2a 51k (401x602) This is another girl that I'm pretty sure I've seen before! Maybe I've got some other cosplay pictures of her... or maybe I saw her at one of the shows in Tokyo. Hmmm...? |
Cammy 2b 55k (401x602) Anyhow, here's a nice full-body shot so you can see the whole outfit. |
blue Cammy 2c 27k
(283x500) Ah-ha! I found out "blue 2's" name, and it's "Ayame"! Well, at least that's filename of one of her pictures said, so I'm assuming... |
blue Cammy 2d 18k
(214x500) Here she is again. The suit in this picture acutally looks purple, but I think the color of the picture's just off a little bit. And even if it's not, it's good to have all the pictures of Ayame together. |
Cammy 3a 15k (196x274) Cammy and Chun Li both look really good here, but yet again, Cammy comes out on top! |
Cammy 4a 98k (524x811) This is strange... although they used to be best friends (kinda), Delta Red Cammy and Vega want to kill each other in the worst way! But, it's a cool picture nonetheless. |