Delta Red Cosplay - Green 2 |
This is the 2nd gallery of Delta Red Cammy cosplayers wearing the traditional green outfit. All these pictures were collected somewhere off the web or sent in by friends. Some of them are not very good quality, but I've adjusted the color wherever I could to improve the pictures. |
Green 1 29k (281x425) Unfortunately, I don't actually know this girl, but she's a good friend of one of my good friends. She's REALLY big into cosplay. |
Green 2 44k (281x425) And here's Makura again. If you wanna see more of her, check out some of the other Cammy cosplay pages, because she's cosplayed as the coolest character (Cammy!) many, many times. ^_^ |
Green 3 43k (500x366) Makura and all her cosplay buddies used to have a cool site called "Tokyo Cosplay Girls"... but it gone now. BTW, she wasn't in Tokyo when I was in Tokyo, so I never got to see her at any of the shows. |
Green 4 42k (356x540) This is a nice picture where you can see just HOW long those pigtails are! They're the longest I've ever seen... |
Green 5 23k (281x423) And he's the last one of her in Delta Red green. I don't know why, but Makura has one of the most recognizable face I've seen. I think I'd recognize her anywhere. |
Cammy 1 54k (436x600) This is a CD of Keiko Onsawa. I don't have it, but I DO have her cosplay video! It looks exactly the same. BTW, that little picture there on the left is the CD, and if you click on the link, you'll see the picture from the video. |
Cammy 2 5k (168x114) My video shows Keiko cosplay as a number of different characters, but the main one is Cammy. I saw Cammy on the cover of the video and immediately added it to my collection. Actually, I have quite a few cosplay videos with Cammy! ^_^ |
Cammy 8a 12k (192x256) Although it's a teeny tiny picture, this is still one of my favorites. It's a shame that it's so small... |
Cammy 8b 15k (192x256) Here's a closer look at the same girl. |
Cammy 9a 23k (173x247) And here's cammy standing in front of a merry-go-round... I wonder what she's doing there? When they're not at shows, these cosplayers sure like to pose in strange places... |
Cammy 9b 69k (342x255) This is another one of my favorites. The outfit is practially perfect, and this girl also has a perfect Cammy body. Just the hair is a little too short, but it's no big deal... looks good anyways! |
Cammy 9c 51k (343x492) This, and the next 3 are from a different batch of pictures, but I'm pretty sure that it's the same girl as in pictures 9a & 9b. Right? |
Cammy 9d 58k (343x492) Here he's a really good look at a great costume! And unlike the strange backgrounds in most cosplay pictures, this one's pretty cool. |
Cammy 9e 50k (343x492) Here's a nice close-up look at her left side.... |
Cammy 9f 64k (492x343) ...and here's a close-up look at her right side. Both sides are good sides. |
Cammy 10 213k (765x1024) Besides the pictures I scanned from my own photographs, this is the biggest and highest quality picture of a Cammy cosplayer that I have. They should all be this nice! |
Cammy 11 9k (300x225) This is a strange little picture... looks like it's a picture of a photo shoot. |
Cammy 12 77k (400x536) This is another good one with really long pigtails. And the suit is kinda different... it's looks like it's made from some kinda smooth and shinny material. |
Cammy 13 18k (240x320) This looks like a really, really cute little Cammy. Outta all the pictures I have, I think I'd want a bigger and better version of this picture. |
Cammy 14 104k (342x502) This is a cool Cammy, but whenever I look at this picture, I can't help but think HOW bad a Cannon Spike would hurt with those boots on! |
Cammy 15 25k (225x560) The coolest thing about this Cammy, is that her pigtails look like they're made out of yarn! Sounds silly, but it looks pretty neat. |
Cammy 16 36k (295x442) Hey, it's my only other picture of an non-Japanese girl cosplaying as Cammy. I suppose this girl was promoting the SF2V TV series for Manga Video. |
Cammy 17a 94k (336x494) Here's a cool Cammy cosplay outside in nice weather... |
Cammy 17b 71k (240x480) Guess the weather didn't stay nice... here she is inside. |
Cammy 18 24k (160x233) I've seen cosplay pictures taken at strange locations, but nothing's as strange as this! Strange... strange... strange!! See for yourself... |
Cammy 19 71k (480x640) Here's a really fancy outfit... she even took the time to detail the Delta Red symbols on her hat and bodysuit. BTW, from the way the people behind her are dressed, it looks like winter... |
Cammy 20 44k (512x768) All I'm wondering is... is that her real hair? I think so. If it is, that's impressive! |
Cammy 21 15k (267x516) Good Cammy, neat picture... but you know what? I just cannot think of of a comment for this one... |
Cammy 22 18k (120x170) 2 Cammys and 1 Chun Li... that's because Cammy is twice as good as Chun Li! Heck, she's probably even better than that. |
Cammy 23a 67k (420x400) This is actually 2 pictures in one... a close-up and a full shot. |
Cammy 23b 84k (410x400) And this is just like the first one, a close-up and a full shot... but the poses are different. |
Cammy 24a 22k (256x640) This is a really nice Cammy outfit... even the boots are just like Cammy's boots from the game. |
Cammy 24b 22k (256x640) Here's a rare picture... Cammy turning around. Since Cammy's most famous poses in the game are her turn around poses, you'd think cosplayers would do that a lot, but they don't. Maybe they're shy about showing their butts...? |
Cammy 24c 19k (384x384) Finally, here's a close-up pictures of this Cammy's face. |