SF Movie Cammy

Hey, don't forget about this Cammy!!   This is Australian pop star Kylie Minogue as Cammy.  She also played Cammy in the SF live action movie.  The game wasn't the best (and neither was the movie), but Kylie doesn't look too bad, huh?  And to tell you the truth, when I was in about 4th grade, I had a pretty big crush on Miss Kylie.  So, when I heard that she was gonna be Cammy, I was kinda excited.  Anyhow, this is just a little something for those of you who missed the game and the movie...


Punches Jab Strong Fierce
Standing camsfm-jab.gif (2846 bytes) camsfm-str.gif (2788 bytes) camsfm-frc.gif (2849 bytes)
Crouching camsfm-jabcr.gif (2506 bytes) camsfm-strcr.gif (2743 bytes) camsfm-frccr.gif (2667 bytes)
In the Air camsfm-jabair.gif (2758 bytes) camsfm-jabair.gif (2758 bytes) camsfm-frcair.gif (2453 bytes)


Kicks Short Forward Roundhouse
Standing camsfm-shrt.gif (2683 bytes) camsfm-fwd.gif (2606 bytes) camsfm-rh.gif (2402 bytes)
Crouching camsfm-shrtcr.gif (2312 bytes) camsfm-fwdcr.gif (2258 bytes) camsfm-rhcr.gif (2153 bytes)
In the Air camsfm-fwdcr.gif (2258 bytes) camsfm-fwdair.gif (2441 bytes) camsfm-rhair.gif (2515 bytes)


Animation on the left, miscellaneous frames on the right...
camsfm-bwin.gif (12649 bytes) 99 camsfm-bwin1.gif (2135 bytes) camsfm-bwin2.gif (2490 bytes) camsfm-bwin3.gif (2387 bytes) camsfm-bwin4.gif (2163 bytes)
camsfm-fwd.gif (17331 bytes) 99 camsfm-fwd1.gif (2252 bytes) camsfm-fwd2.gif (2163 bytes) camsfm-fwd3.gif (2257 bytes) 99
camsfm-stnd.gif (15458 bytes) 99 camsfm-stnd.gif (2524 bytes) 99 99 99


Miscellaneous Cammy animation frames...
camsfm-cdrill.gif (2397 bytes) camsfm-cspike.gif (2795 bytes) camsfm-rhcls.gif (2306 bytes) camsfm-strcls.gif (2539 bytes) camsfm-salwin.gif (2597 bytes)