mary-comic16.gif (102814 bytes)
Panel 1                                  

Andy - What were you talking to Mary about?  Were you setting up a date?

Panel 2                                  

Joe - Oh!? You mean that they like each other like that!?
Andy - You're just now figuring that out....

Panel 3                                   

Terry - No, it wasn't really that... That girl is complicated.

Panel 4                                   

Andy - ...don't tell me that you're so dense that you're not catching on to her signals...?
Terry - WHA?  You're complicated too.

Panel 5                                   

Andy - Big Bro... you're on Joe's level...
Joe - (What's that supposed to mean?)
Terry - (Well, I'm hungry...)


Nobody understands the relationship between Terry and Mary.  Well, maybe Mary does...

This is also funny because Mai is always falling all over Andy, but he doesn't have a clue.  So when he starts dispensing advice on women, Terry says "WHA?  You're complicated too."

The End

Well, I hope you enjoyed this cool comic by Miss Megumi Onozawa!  In the future, I will definitely translate more comics like this, so stay tuned...

Read it again...?!