mary-comic6.gif (101981 bytes)
Panel 1                                  

Blue Mary - Hey Terry... I got a favor to ask you.

Panel 2                                  

Terry - What is it?
Blue Mary - If you guys win the next fight against us...

Panel 3                                  

Blue Mary - Go all the way!
Terry - (What are you thinking!)
That's already in our plans!

Panel 4                                  

Blue Mary - That's not what I mean!
Terry - Oh?

Panel 5                                  

Blue Mary - If you learn anything interesting as you advance, let me know.
Terry - Hey, don't joke about stuff like that...

Panel 6                                  

Blue Mary - Thanks!  (I hope he doesn't send me a bill...)


Poor Terry!  I think Mary is messing with his mind... using tactics.  I hate when girls do that.

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