1.6.20 |
Besides being Cammy's birthday, it's also the 20 year anniversary of CammyFan.com! I started the website on GeoCities in 1996, but it got a big redesign and became a .com 20 years ago. I can't believe it's been so long! (time starts to fly when you get old) |
As always, I'm so sorry that the website is so out-of-date, but it's still a good archive of good Cammy stuff. It's not going away, and someday I will update the site to all the glory Cammy deserves, or I'll hire somebody to do it for me. In the meantime, please visit me at The Daily Cammyon Twitter. |
2.13.19 |
First, the Battle Angel Alita movie comes out tomorrow! I've literally been waiting 20 years for this movie. |
Second, I fixed the link to the Cammy & Alita page that talks about my theory that for many years, Cammy was modeled after Alita! I just discovered that the link was broken, and I'm so angry!! Anyhow, to see that, go to Cammy Info Page and click on the "Cammy & Alita" link on the left side. Also, there's some more info about Cammy & Alita if check out the "Create Cammy" link just under that. |
Third, I wrote a little rant (story) about my history with Battle Angel Alita. It's over there to the left in the Stefan's Random Rant section. (Weekly Rant has turned into the once-a-decade-rant LOL) |
1.6.19 |
So, the website is still terribly
out-of-date, but you probably saw the new @CammyFans Twitter feed on the front page! It's
called "The Daily Cammy" and I'm trying to Tweet something new every day. Please
follow, comment, reTweet, and enjoy :) |
I'm still a long way from having the massive
amount of time it would take to redo and update the website, but I've just renewed the
CammyFan.com domain name for another 9 years! I'm not going away. |
In the meantime, besides the Twitter, I'll do
what I can to update or add new content. I've got a lot of ideas for new content, but
updating the website should be the priority. |
Anyhow, Thank You all Cammy fans! Especially
the ones who cosplay, create art, stream gameplay, etc. It's really you all who bring
Cammy to life and keep everything going. And even if you don't create any content, and
you're just a fan, you're important too - you're the community that fuels everything! A
special character with a special community... it's the perfect combination. |
1.6.18 |
Happy Birthday, and
Happy 25th Anniversary in 2018! |
Yup, another year gone - same old same old
here. No updates, but Cammy is the still the best! |
The only thing that really matters to you is
updates, right? Well, I have been slowly making some plans for some updates to the site!
There's SO much to do... the site is almost a decade out-of-date. Around here, we think
SF4 just came out >_<; Updating the site won't happen anytime soon, but there are
some interesting new things I'd like to add in 2018, especially when it comes to cosplay. |
In the meantime, there is a Cammy 25th
Anniversary contest from now through Sept 10 by the folks of the Cammy-White group at deviantART.com,
and there's a mysterious donor offering prizes :) |
Aside from that, the Cammy scene over at
Twitch.tv is still going strong! I highly recommend that you check out these streamers...
- One of the best players in the world, and a true Cammy fan!
- Doesn't stream often, but it's awesome when he does!
- An excellent Cammy player and teacher.
- Another top SF5 player. He's Korean, but the gameplay is worth seeing!
Myers - Will probably drop Cammy for Sakura on Jan 16 :(
- A Japanese girl who plays a mean Cammy!
- A French girl who used to stream Cammy... but she's MIA :(
- A newer streamer who is a Master Rank Cammy.
And there are many more Cammy players on Twitch,
check 'em out and join the community! |
That's it for now, but there will be updates
and Cammy things going on in 2018, so please check back periodically for updates ^_^ |
1.6.17 |
It's already been a year?!
Work, family, blah blah blah is my life. I haven't even logged in to Final Fantasy XIV in
a year. I played a little bit of Fallout 4 (and I LOVE the Fallout series). I bought SFV
but haven't played it more than a few minutes. Life is just busy when you get old, and
time goes by SO quickly! |
Anyhow, one thing I'd like to
share with you in case you didn't know is Cobelcog on Twitch.tv. He's one of the world's
top Cammy players, and you can watch him stream at http://www.twitch.tv/cobelcog.
Subscribe to his channel for some really cool Cammy emotes. I'm often lurking on his
stream. Please join us, it's a fun and educational stream with a really cool community. |
Also check out Irissia
playing Cammy at http://www.twitch.tv/irissia.
She's French, and I don't know what she's saying, but she's cute and fun nonetheless. Some
other Cammy players that occasionally stream are o_o_DeltaRed_o_o,
and Captainmcnasty27. |
Again, I'm not sure that I
will be able to get anything done on the website this year, but I'd really like to at
least do a little something now and then. So please check back every few months if you
remember. One thing I'm thinking of doing is throwing up links to Cammy stuff I find
online... cosplay pictures, videos, special artwork, etc. That at least should be doable! |
Thanks for stopping by! This
site is still kind of on hold, but it's not going away, and someday I promise it will be
all up-to-date on everyting Cammy. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing to
support our Cammy! Thanks ^_^ |
1.6.16 |
I'm ashamed that it's been an
entire year without an update, but my life is beyond busy with career, wife, kids, and
miscellaneous BS. I always dream that I'll have time to get even a little work done, but I
can't see that happening anytime soon :(
I'm not updating the website now, but it's just on hold... I'll be back! |
Street Fighter 5 is due in a
few months, and Cammy has been a part of it almost since day one. She's looking great!
It's going to be an exciting year for Cammy fans :) I'm out of commission for a while, but
there are many great fans out there keeping the community active. Thanks for all your
support! |
This will probably be the
busiest year of my life, so I doubt I'll get anything done, but who knows. If nothing
else, I'll always check in on Cammy's birthday. Keep kicking butt in-game, drawing
pictures, cosplaying, writing stories, and doing whatever else you do in support of Cammy.
Cammy's always had an extrodinarily special community of fans. |
PS - Today is the 16th
anniversary of CammyFan.com, and this year will be the 20th year of the website. I started
a Cammy website when I was in college, and now I'm 41 years old grey hair LOL |
1.6.15 |
15 years of CammyFan.com) |
Wow, has there only been 1 update since
Cammy's birthday last year?! That's how busy I am... I had no idea it was that bad.
I'm so sorry! Family & work take up almost all my time nowadays. My computer is good
now, but it gave me a lot of problems last year too. It even took me 3 weeks before I
could finally squeeze in the time to watch the Hobbit. And I'm still trying to watch
Wrestle Kingdom 9 from last weekend (huge fan of Shinsuke Nakamura & AJ Styles!). My
only free time is usually a little bit of Final Fantasy XIV before bed. Life is crazy, but
it's a good kind of crazy... my little girls are amazing :) |
I know this site is incredibly out-dated and
stale. Someday I will work on overhauling things, but for now I'm just gonna try to get in
some little updates throughout the year, so please check back every once in a while. |
6.7.14 |
Hey guys, haven't seen you since Cammy's
Birthday party in January! Sorry. As most of you know, I'm married, and I've got 2 very
busy little girls that take up almost all my time. It's absolutely crazy busy, but it's
wonderful. |
Anyhow, I'm back for an update! Hopefully
I'll be back next month, but who know's what will come up. My commitments have to be
elsewhere now, but I'll always be committed to this website as time allows. But even
without this site, the amazing community of Cammy fans always keep things fresh and fun.
Thanks for stopping by!! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- 17 new pics in the Collect'd Art 9 gallery on Index 2 of Cammy Art. |
6.6.14 |
Hey guys, I've got an update, but please give
me 1 more day to get it done. Today ended up being too busy, but tomorrow for sure.
Thanks, see you then ^_^ |
1.6.14 |
CAMMY!! ** |
Welcome to the 14th year of CammyFan.com! I
recently renewed the name, so there are no plans to give up anytime soon, even though my
life nowadays really leaves me very little time to devote to it. Please keep checking in
to see what's new... I'll do what I can to keep it going! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays! (it's Cammy's)
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- Updated www.flickr.com/CammyFan with
over 200 pics in 3 sets! |
11.6.13 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
You have no life with 2 kids and a wife! It
really is awesome, but personal time gets sacrificed! If I'm lucky, I get a little bit of
free time at night, and usually the only thing I wanna do is play a little Final Fantasy
XIV. After 2 1/2 months, I'm still not up the Lv50 LOL |
8.8.13 |
Sorry, no update this month. Household was
plagued with sickness, and we've got family coming in town from China and Germany, so no
time for Cammy :( |
7.9.13 |
Slight delay in this month's update, sorry!
Holidays got me a little backed up, and then I couldn't log in. Anyhow, now I've got a
good update for you! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- 24 new pics in the Collect'd Art 11 gallery on Index 2 of Cammy Art. |
6.6.13 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
And tomorrow I'll have up some new pictures
at www.flickr.com/CammyFan. I
should've had those up already, but I ran into some technical issues. I should've started
uploading those pictures sooner! Sorry. |
5.6.13 |
Hi! I'm still here... kind of. Life's busier
than ever lately, and I've got almost no free time at all, so I haven't finished anything
for the website. I've already started working a little on an update for next month, so
hopefully I'll see you then! Thanks for hanging with me. Just know that things around here
are just on hold for a while, but I will never give it up! |
Since I last udpate, I lost my best friend
but gained another daughter. A wife and two girls under 2 years - OMG! But days before the
birth of my 2nd daughter, the little puppy from the "Dachshund" page in the Miscellaneous
section, passed away. He had cancer :( He was an amazing best friend for almost 10 years! |
2.6.13 |
If you didn't see on the front page, we need
you to vote for Cammy!! Capcom has set up a
poll where they want to know your 5 favorite Street Fighters. The info is gonna help them
with future projects. Thanks! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
And tomorrow, I promise a good update at www.flickr.com/CammyFan |
1.6.13 |
Not much of an update, but I at least had to
show up to the party to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMMY!!
Where's the cake... I gotta grab a piece and get back to my busy life :( |
BTW, this is also the 13th year of CammyFan
as a .com, and over 16 years as a website. It's amazing how many of you I know are still
around after all this time. More than I am lately LOL. Life with a growing family is busy,
and although I'm not able to put much time in to the site, I vow to never disappear!
Please keep peeking in because I will be updating when I can. And someday, I will give the
site, the fans, and Cammy the attention they're all due! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
11.6.12 |
Sorry again about last month, but it was a
very busy month (dental surgery for me, and 2 grandparents in rehab). Things are only
gonna getting busier because my baby girl, Lucille, is walking. And we've got another baby
on the way! Thanks for hanging in there with me! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays! (it's a slow month)
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- 22 new pics in the Collect'd Art 12 gallery on Index 2 of Cammy Art. |
9.6.12 |
3 months ago I missed an update because I
only had 7 fingers. Working with 9 this month and got it done! Enjoy :) |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- 2 new galleries at www.flickr.com/CammyFan with
over 130 new pictures |
8.6.12 |
I'm here with half an update. Had a very busy
few weeks, and didn't plan well. BTW, highlight was shooting a .50 calibur sniper rifle!! Click here to see a
video if you're interested. *note* The video doesn't at all demonstrate the power and
sound of that gun! Anyhow, here's what's new... |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
7.6.12 |
Missed another month >_< I burned
3 of my fingers pretty bad, so I only had 1 hand for a while. There was a lot I couldn't
do, and then a lot I had to catch up on. But I healed up in time to get this done, plus I
started on a fun new idea for next month's update! Anyhow, here's what's new... |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
My baby girl, Lucille, had a rough day, so
I'm a bit behind on the real meat of this update. But I will update www.flickr.com/CammyFan
tomorrow with some really awesome cosplay pictures! |
5.6.12 |
Updated on time! And I've even gotten some
work done on next month's update. I'm hoping I'll have some extra time this summer to
really get some good work done for the site! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- 10 pics added to the Collected 13 gallery on the Cammy Art page (Index 2)
- 14 pics added to the Collected 14 gallery on the Cammy Art page (Index 2) |
3.8.12 |
Holy crap, updates are hard to do now. This
one was done and ready for the 6th, but I just haven't had 30 min to finish off and upload
it! And last month there was no chance at all. Gotta work way ahead of time now if I'm to
have any shot at making scheduled updates now. Thanks for hanging in there with me. |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- 109 new cosplay pictures at www.flickr.com/CammyFan |
By the way, you probably know, but Street
Fighter X Tekken came out! I'm not getting it now... maybe for PC or when the final final
final version comes up (greedy bastards @ Capcom). Storyline and gameplay is all over
YouTube, and that's enough for me. |
And speaking of... Namco is making their own
version of the game (which I will buy), and you can vote on who you wanna see. Vote Cammy
of course... and the rest is up to you. Click here for a link
and more info. |
1.13.12 |
One more little update. Please help out KitKat
Cosplay from deviantART on Facebook: vote for her Cammy costume
in the Love Cosplay Magazine contest! Also, here's a super fun video of her in action at
Anime USA 2011... click here and wait for the 35 second
mark ^_^ |
1.11.12 |
Wow, look what I just found... an amazing
Cammy vs Chun Li fan film! Click on the picture below to check it out. GO CAMMY!! |

1.6.12 |
It's also the 12th anniversary of
CammyFan.com. The site actually started in 1996, but finally became a .com in 2000. I know
a lot of stuff on this site is terribly out-dated, but fixing that is gonna be an epic
job... someday I hope to get working on that. In the meantime, I've still got almost 7000
cosplay pictures to organize and upload, plus tons of artwork, videos, etc, so there'll be
no shortage of new stuff to keep the site somewhat fresh and exciting. Someday if I ever
win the lottery or inherit a fortune from a rich uncle, I'm gonna hire a pro to give Cammy
and her fans the site they deserve! |
Anyhow enjoy over 600 new Cammy cosplay
pictures from 6 different cosplayers over at www.flickr.com/CammyFan! |
12.6.11 |
Sorry about another missed update! I had it
mostly done, but I wanted to do a little more and then couldn't... eventually it wasn't
worth doing an update for last month. Holy crap, babies really do take over your life! And
Skyrim too. When I'm not busy with the baby girl or other real world stuff, I just wanna
sit on my butt and play Skyrim for a little bit. Please forgive me, but Cammy is on the
back burner for a bit. |
Anyhow, here's a basic update, and then
there's Cammy's big birthday update on January 6, 2012! Thanks for hanging in with me, I
hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!! |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
10.6.11 |
I'm back and I've got a new little CammyFan
named Lucille! I can't wait until her hair grows long
enough for pigtails ^_^ |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats (a new cat picture PLUS a gallery of Cammy + cat pictures!)
- Created the Collected 14 gallery on the Cammy Art page (Index 2)
- Also got the Collected 12 gallery back online |
8.6.11 |
Sorry about missing last month, but our baby
due on Aug 26 is already
taking over our lives! We've been totally busy preparing for the baby
and trying to enjoy our freedom while we still can. |
Got a great update for this month, but I'm
sure I'm gonna miss the
Sept update because we're gonna be totally engrossed in our new baby!
I'll slowly work on an update for October whenever I can, and I should be back to
'normal'. |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats (a new cat picture PLUS a gallery of Cammy + cat pictures!)
- Updated www.flickr.com/CammyFan with
over 200 cosplay pic of Mino |
6.6.11 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
And a huge update at www.flickr.com/CammyFan!
And aside from that, it's been announced that Cammy's gonna be in Street Fighter X Tekken!
Bad news is that SFxT is 2012... |
5.6.11 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
And there are over 100 new cosplay pictures
at www.flickr.com/CammyFan! |
4.8.11 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
Sorry for the delay, and then not much on the
update. Dad was in the hospital for a few days (he's OK), and then I've been in and out
some more with my pregnant wife (normal tests and stuff, it's all good!). |
3.6.11 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
And look for a cosplay picture update at www.flickr.com/CammyFan
tomorrow night! |
2.6.11 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
Sorry for the short and somewhat lame update,
but I'm still not back to100% since the crash a few months ago. |
1.6.11 |
Got a new PC, but all my programs were so old that they wouldn't install. I'm still trying
to get stuff together, but I managed to update with an older PC. |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART (special birthday edition!!)
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- Fixed broken links on Index 2 of the Cammy Art page.
- Created the Collected Art 13 gallery to Index 2 of the Cammy Art page.
- Added 2 new galleries to www.flickr.com/CammyFan
a few weeks ago. |
12.6.10 |
Computer crashed, and I'm waiting for the new
one to arrive. Dunno how long it'll be until I can get everything up and running here, but
I should be able to get pictures up at www.flickr.com/CammyFan.
I will for sure find some way to be back by Cammy's birthday in 1 month, but I'd like to
get going ASAP. |
11.13.10 |
Today's updates...
- www.flickr.com/CammyFan
(76 cosplay pictures of Momo and Maru!) |
11.6.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
Gonna have some more cosplay pictures up on www.flickr.com/CammyFan
for sure later this week! |
10.14.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays! (almost no birthdays this month...)
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
For some outside fun, check out this Japanese
website called Belladonna. It's dedicated to Vega
(called Balrog in Japan), and he's really creative and fun! There's a lot of Cammy stuff
there because "Balrog -heart- Cammy".
The Blog is really fun. You probably won't be able to read it, but the pictures are more
than worth checking out!! At the bottom of the page, you should see "HOME", and
to the right of that is a link... click that to head on to the next page. |
Also, it's Cammy week through the 17th at Boba Fett Day Week,
check out the artwork and participate! |
10.11.10 |
Sorry, Update's still a few days off. It's
been wild here lately with dad in the hospital, computer problems, birthdays, and
weddings. Still busy, but I can slowly start working on it now that I got my computer
going again... |
9.16.10 |
Today's updates...
- 4 new cosplay sets up at www.flickr.com/CammyFan! |
9.7.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays! (almost no birthdays this month...)
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
That's it for now, but I PROMISE that I'll
have a few new sets of cosplay pictures up at www.flickr.com/CammyFan
in the next few days! |
9.6.10 |
Been working on the website all day, but no
update :( It's been all emergency maintenance crap. Gonna have the regular
update soon... tonight, tomorrow, or Tuesday 9/8 at the latest! |
8.6.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- 82 new cosplay pictures at www.flickr.com/CammyFan. |
An odd uploading glitch with Flickr wasted a
bunch of time, so I'll upload some more pictures soon!
Also, the pictures from Sleeper Kid's World (see 7.24.10 update) got moved to here... Street Fighters. |
7.24.10 |
Hey, just heard about something
interesting... check out Sleeperkid's World and
click on the "Street Fighters" link on the left side of the front page.
There are lots of pictures from the video there, and some actual video on their YouTube page too. |
Also, I've been back to work organizing my
7000+ Cammy cosplay pictures again, so expect lots of that stuff in the future ^_^ |
7.6.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- Collect'd Art 10 gallery on Index 2 or the Cammy Art page. |
And I'm still working on the pictures I took
of Schloss Lichtenstein, but there are 2 pictures up on www.flickr.com/CammyFan. |
6.1.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- www.flickr.com/CammyFan
- 3 sets with 53 pictures |
Early update because I'm gone to Europe on my
honeymoon! See you guys on July 6, 2010 for the next update. And by the way, I'm
going to be visiting Schloss Lichtenstein
while I'm in Stuttgart... that's the castle Cammy's Street Fighter II stage is modeled
after! I'll post some pictures for you. |
5.6.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
Super Street Fighter IV came out last week,
and there are a lot of updates. Here's Cammy's new ending. It creates a lot of
interesting storyline possibilities! And speaking of new, Cammy new super move is
AWESOME!! Check out Cammy's Quick Combination in this Cammy vs Ibuki video. My wish
came true! And also from SSFIV, check out Cammy's new Rival Battle anime. |
Here are some more cool new video links.
This one is some footage of the Cammy & Chun Li at WonderCon 2010.
It's somehow rare to have videos of cosplay. And if you haven't seen it yet,
you gotta check out this hillarious Street Fighter High
parody! |
And since I'll be on my honeymoon in German,
Switzerland, and Austria June 6th, I'll get the next update in about a week early. |
4.8.10 |
Today's updates...
- Collect'd Art 12 on Index 2 of the Cammy Art page has 11 new pictures!
- Birthdays! |
4.6.10 |
A little bit late this month, sorry. Excuses?
Marriage, Final Fantasy 13, allergies, yard work, taxes, etc. Ugh! I'll finish
off the update and have some new artwork by Thursday. |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats |
3.6.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- Birthdays!
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- www.flickr.com/CammyFan
(no1293, Ayamen, & Arisa sets are new!) |
And for those of you that know me
personally... I'm happily married for 3 weeks! It really was the best day of my life,
everything was perfect! www.WillJackson.com - Feb 13, 2010 for pictures
:) |
2.6.10 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- This Week's Birthdays
- Featured Cosplay (2 original Cammys, and lots of pictures!)
- Cammy's Cats |
Small update because everything is going
crazy around here with my wedding in a week. |
And in other news, Cammy will have a new M
Bison costume for Super Street Fighter IV! Click here for a little bit of info and
some new fanart. |
1.6.10 |
And it's also the 10th Anniversary of CammyFan.com ^_^
Thank ALL you fans so much for supporting Cammy all these years and giving me a reason to
indulge in my favorite character. |
So, it's been 10 years, what now? You
guys keep doing what you're doing for Cammy all over the internet... cosplay, fanart,
fanfics, etc! Here, I'll manage at least a once a month update, but I'm getting
married in February, so my busy life is gonna change big time! At least for a few
months I'm gonna continue to be wrapped up with all that. When things calm down I
can think of a million things I wanna do... |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- This Week's Birthdays
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- Collect'd Art 12 gallery on Index 2 off the Cammy Art page is all new!
- www.flickr.com/CammyFan (Ai
Amaebi pictures are all new) |
And keep your eyes open this month, a friend
is supposed to be doing a cosplay photoshoot! |
12.6.09 |
OK, now begins the era of regularly monthly
CammyFan updates every 6th day of the month. I think this will be a lot easier to
manage and better for the both of us! BTW, the next update is on Cammy's birthday,
January 6! This update is fairly small, but in the future I plan on having even
more. |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- This Week's Birthdays
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- Random
Rant updated with Cammy's retirement...
- www.flickr.com/CammyFan (Izuru
Nekou pictures are all new) |
11.18.09 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- This Week's Birthdays |
Hey, we're still here! Just some
technical difficulties and a whole lotta busy.
From here on out, I'm just gonna update the site on the 6th of every month, and then maybe
a little here and there whenever something special comes up. |
I'm gonna be extremely busy with the holidays
coming up and then I'm getting married on Feb 13, so I'm not gonna have much time to
dedicate to the site until maybe next Spring. |
I'll also be focusing updates on more Cammy
stuff and less filler BS since I'll have a whole month to get something good done.
I've got TONS of good Cammy stuff saved up, and fans are creating new stuff every day that
I'm still collecting when I get some time online to search. |
January 6, 2010 will be CammyFan.com's 10th
Anniversary! Thank you all for your support of Cammy :) I might fade in and
out, but Cammy and I are never going away. |
10.15.09 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- This Week's Birthdays
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Music
- Cammy's Cats
- Japanese Fun Fact |
10.2.09 |
Today's updates...
- Cammy's Music
- www.flickr.com/CammyFan
- Cammy
Wallpaper |
10.1.09 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- This Week's Birthdays
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Cats
- Japanese Fun Fact |
Still having problems, but at least I can
kinda work around it for now.
The rest of the update will be done tomorrow. |
9.21.09 |
Didn't anything uploaded to Flickr because
I'm having problems with my laptop. Had some kinda hardware failure, but kinda sorta
got it running for now. Getting this fixed might take a while... I'll see what I can
do to get up and running ASAP. |
9.15.09 |
Today's updates...
- Featured deviantART
- This Week's Birthdays
- Featured Cosplay
- Cammy's Music
- Cammy's Cats
- Japanese Fun Fact |
Updating www.flickr.com/CammyFan on Thursday 9/17 with more
cosplay pics too! |
Cammy! |
update notes before September 15,
2009 were deleted... |