Cammy 4 ko mangas
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Personally, I can't get enough of these 4 ko mangas! Sure most of them aren't really funny, but they're neat because they are a nice mix of comic and fan art. Also, there are literally thousands of these (most featuring Cammy), so it's always easy to get more. BTW, why don't any of you fan artists outside of Japan ever draw any 4 ko manga?! You should... (hint, hint, hint) |
Li's Shame... Kinda complicated, but clever. What's most funny, is that next to Cammy, she's got a lot more to be ashamed of than just this... |
Stray Thoughts Hey, don't the stupidest thoughts always seem to come at the most inappropriate times? Here, Ryu experiences one of those moments after Cammy kicks him in the head. (Good job Cammy, kick him again!!) |
Button Cammy loves to talk trash! In this comic she tries to intimidate Ryu, but it's backfires on her... |
Shadowloo There are 2 comics in the 4 ko Manga 1 Gallery that're kinda like this one. One is "Overthrowing Shadowloo", and the other is "Undercover". It's all about Delta Red Cammy trying to take down the 4 Lords of Shadowloo... |
Camouflage Girl This is almost a perfect example of a 4 ko Manga! The art is good and the joke is clever & funny. The only problem is that Ryu's in it... out of all the Street Fighters, why him?! Grrrrr.... |
stockings Mmmmm ^_^ This comic runs along the same lines as the "small present" series. I really like these because Cammy looks good, and because I know I'm not the only one... |
a small present! (1) You're about to read 3 of my all-time favorite 4 ko manga ever! And of course they are by none other than Miss Kohime Ohse. |
a small present! (2) I wanna make a lotta comments about these comics, but for fear of making a total fool outta myself, I'm trying to keep quiet/calm... *_* (doki doki) |
a small present! (3) Grrr... I don't know who's the greater woman, Cammy or Miss Ohse. And if the shotoclones keep this up, I might soon be big fans of them too! They're all SO nice... I can't decide which outfit looks best on Cammy. It's a win-win no matter what, so who cares?! |
Schoolgirl's Tale This comic proves many points all over again... 1. Cammy's easily brainwashed 2. She's stronger than Chun Li 3. She makes a much cuter schoolgirl than Sakura! |
Memory Strange comic... but after reading a few of these 4 koma, you should except that. Here, Ryu's only success is confusing Cammy. |
Secret Weapon How many times have these two fought? A lot. And somehow, Cammy always manages to find a way to defeat the HUGE Russian wrestler... |
You! Here's a another really funny one from Miss Kohime Ohse. Chun Li asks one too many questions about Cammy's camouflage leg paint... |
Be So Nasty to Me '95 This kinda plays off the animated 4 koma in the first Cammy 4 ko Manga Gallery. Anyhow, for this one, Miss Ohse has drawn another comic where Cammy causes poor old Dee Jay a buncha grief. |
Letter Strange, strange, strange - both this comic, and Ken. Remember that comic from the 4 ko Manga Gallery 2 where Cammy misunderstands Ken and thinks he's a freak? We'll maybe this incident is why she assumes so much... |
Dhalsim! As you can see from the thumbnail, something upsets Cammy in this 4 ko manga. She suspects but doesn't really know who or what, but if you read this comic, you can find out for sure. |
loves the Frankensteiner Boys have a one-track mind, and Cammy totally exploits this fact... although she doesn't know it. Actually, who's exploiting who?! ^_^ |
Mystery... After reading the last two 4 komas, can imagine Dhalsim's feelings about being Frankensteinered. What are Cammy's feelings? More confusion... |
Court Advantage - Honda There are many reasons why it's easier to fight a defensive battle. Here's one example of why fighting on your own turf can be such an advantage... Cammy really 'falls' for E. Honda's trap in this one! |
Court Advantage - Cammy No, this has nothing to do with South Park. Anyhow, Cammy has learned a valuable lesson. For the rematch vs. Honda, she's made sure he came to her castle in England. This time, it's Honda who 'falls' for Cammy's trap! |
Cannon Drill.... There are lot's of reasons why we all love Cammy so much. 2 of the biggest reasons are that she's very clever, and a little bit crazy. This 4 koma proves that fact yet again. |
I'm home! Cammy comes home from a long day's work and discovers more than 1 surprise awaiting her... |
Sweet White Day In this comic by Kohime Ohse, Cammy gets a little present from Dee Jay (who obviously has a little crush on Cammy!). |
Happy White Day Also by Kohime Ohse, this comic play off the previous one. However, here, the shotoclones are giving Cammy presents... |
Happy Happy & Sweet Sweet White day note... If there's a major point to these two comics, I think I missed it. Oh, I got it... it must be that EVERYBODY loves Cammy! ^_^ And I think Miss Ohse (who draws the best eyes in the biz) really likes to make Dee Jay's life hard - he always looks like a dumb ape, and he's always getting the shaft. Poor Dee Jay... |
tomorrow... (1) Not the funniest comic in the world, but the art is good (and colored) and Cammy beats up Ryu! |
tomorrow... (2) Here's another comic along the same lines as that first one. Cammy's got a clever plan, so she takes a different approach... |
Hallelujah! This one is down right strange! Hmmm... just see for yourself. |