mine-cammy-page3.gif (97395 bytes)
Panel 1                                 
{Shortly thereafter, Miss Cammy won her SF fight in this city and then she left.  She left this cold place so I guess she didn't need my present after all.}
Panel 2                                 
{It's a bit annoying that Miss Cammy doesn't treat me better.  But we're friends, and I know how she feels not having any family or parents...}
Panel 3                                 
{You can do it Miss Cammy...}
Panel 4                                 
Thug 1:
"Hey, what's this?!"
Thug 2: "What're you, nuts?"
Panel 5                                 
"...... That doesn't really suit you, does it?"
Panel 6                                 
"It doesn't?  Well, I like it!"

The End


So, did you get it?  It's pretty simple... Although it's hard for Cammy to care, she really does care!  Even though she didn't need a scarf in the tropics, she wore it anyways... because it meant a lot to her.  I'm sure Lucas' devotion will give her more than enough inspiration to kick Ryu's ass and go all the way to the top.

This is a really great comic because it's very true to Delta Red Cammy's personality.  She's not really a nice person.  She's actually quite cold (figuratively and literally).  It's hard for her to relate to others because she's always focused on her own problems, but she's trying... and deep down inside, she really does care!

The moral of this comic is that all us fans have to keep supporting Cammy because it really does matter!!  ^_^

...read it again?