News flash: Cammy's the
coolest character EVER! |
I know a lot of us have very similar interests like Cammy,
games, anime, Japan, etc., so I thought it might be a good idea if I put up reviews of
some of the things I watch, read, and play. I know I've looked at a lotta different
things and wished that I somebody could tell me what they thought of it. Or even if
I've seen it, it's always interesting to see another person's take. Besides, I
really like introducing people to new things, so it's fun for me too. |

Also, since I've got all sorts of contacts I'm often able
to lotsa special news, and although I post news on the Updates, Etc. page, there are times
I should post more... so I'll do that here. There's the Cammy-only news page, and
another one for less important things ^_^ |
Well, I hope you find this page useful and interesting... |
News flash: Cammy's the
coolest character |
.Page Updates... |
December 3, 2008 -
A new Cammy t-shirt! Details in "Cammy News" |
December 1, 2008 - Posted Cammy's updated SF2 ending in "Cammy News" |
November 6, 2008 - Preview of SF2 Turbo issue 3 in "Cammy News" |
October 16, 2008 - Reviewed 2 new Udon Street Fighter comics in "Book
Reviews" |
January 17, 2008 - Updated "Cammy News" with SF4 news and the 2007
Cammy Year in Review. |
November 1, 2007 - Even more Cammy news! Exciting new info from the UFS
card game. |
October 15, 2007 - It's been a slow year, but got some Cammy news! |
June 1, 2007 - Cammy cosplay news in "Cammy News" |
May 15, 2007 - Cammy news from the new SNK vs Capcom Cardfighters DS... in
"Cammy News" of course. |
April 15, 2007 - Lots of stuff up in "Cammy News" |
March 15, 2007 - "Cammy News" updated with some awesome preview
artwork for the UFS card game expansion! |
March 1, 2007 - "Cammy News" updated with info on a new model
available now! |
February 5, 2007 - Added some more to my review of SFII issue 6 in "Book
Reviews" |
January 22, 2007 - Reviewed Street Fighter II the comic issue 6 in "Book
And the Cammy Year in Review for 2006 is up in "Cammy News" |
November 27, 2006 - Reviewed Street Fighter II the comic issue 5 in "Book
Reviews" |
November 6, 2006 - LOTS up updates! Check out Cammy news for 2 things,
Game reviews for Final Fantasy 12, and News Reports for another Street Fighter movie LOL |
October 23, 2006 - Reviewed Flags of Our Fathers in "Movie Reviews" |
October 16, 2006 - "Cammy News" updated, and I reviewed Street Fighter
Legends: Sakura #2 in "Book Reviews" |
August 21, 2006 - Reviewed Street Fighter Legends: Sakura #1 in "Book
Reviews" |
July 17, 2006 - Reviewed Street Fighter II the comic issue 4 in "Book
Reviews" |
July 10, 2006 - Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in "Movie
Reviews" |
June 21, 2006 - Picture of a new Cammy gashapon in "Cammy News"! |
April 12, 2006 - Reviewed Street Fighter II issue 3 in the "Book
Reviews" section. |
April 3, 2006 - ANOTHER new game with Cammy! Kinda. See "Cammy
News" for details and pictures. |
March 27, 2006 - Reviewed Final Fight Streetwise in "Game Reviews"
and more info in "Cammy News" |
March 20, 2006 - NEW GAME WITH CAMMY! Check out "Cammy News"
of course! |
Jan 30, 2006 - Good news in "Cammy News"! Also, I reviewed
Underworld Evolution in "Movie Reviews", & issue 2 of SF2 the comic in
"Book Reviews" |
Jan 16, 2006 - Reviewed Memoirs of a Geisha in "Movie Reviews",
and some disappointing news in "Cammy News" |
Jan 6, 2006 - Happy Birthday Cammy! The Cammy 2005 Year in Review is
up in "Cammy News" |
Dec 26, 2005 - More info on the SF2 comics w/ Cammy, plus a new SF CCG!
All in "Cammy News" |
Dec 19, 2005 - Reviewed SF2 issues 0 and 1 in "Book Reviews" &
some Cammy news in "Cammy News!" |
Nov 21, 2005 - Soul Calibur 3 reviewed in "Game Reviews" |
Oct 24, 2005 - News on the Street Fighters TCG in "News Reports" |
Sept 29, 2005 - New door-sized Cammy poster!! Check "Cammy
News" for more... |
Sept 19, 2005 - News on 5 new Cammy models/toys is up in "Cammy
News"!! |
Aug 8, 2005 - 1 bit of news up in "Cammy News" |
July 18, 2005 - 2 pieces of exciting action figure news is up in "Cammy
News" |
June 13, 2005 - Got a picture of the new Cammy controller!! Check
"Cammy News" of course. |
June 7, 2005 - Cammy news from E3 in "Cammy News"! |
May 30, 2005 - Reviewed Star Wars Episode 3 in "Movie Reviews" |
Apr 25, 2005 - Update on the SOTA Cammy figures up in "Cammy News" |
Apr 11, 2005 - Wrote a review of Street Fighter issue 14 for the "Book
Reviews" section |
Apr 4, 2005 - The latest update on the release of the SOTA Cammy figure is
up in "Cammy News" |
Mar 28, 2005 - 2 new bits of info up in "Cammy News" |
Mar 7, 2005 - 2 new bits of info up in "Cammy News" |
Feb 28, 2005 - Wrote a review of Tekken 5 in the "Game Reviews"
section. |
Feb 21, 2005 - Wrote a review of Street Fighter issue 13 in the "Book
Reviews" section. |
Feb 7, 2005 - Great news in "Cammy News"! |
Jan 6, 2005 - Happy Birthday Cammy!
The annual "Cammy Year in Review" is up in "Cammy News". And I wrote a
review of SF the comic issue 12 in the "Book Reviews" section. |
Dec 13, 2004 - Wrote a review of Blade Trinity in "Movie Reviews" |
Nov 29, 2004 - HUGE Cammy vs Chun Li news in "Book Reviews" and
"Cammy News"! |
Nov 22, 2004 - Wrote a review of the new Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi cartoon in
"Movie Reviews" |
Nov 8, 2004 - A few things in "Cammy News" and a review of DoA
Ultimate in "Game Reviews" |
Oct25, 2004 - Reviewed Street Fighter issue #10 in "Book Reviews" |
Oct 18, 2004 - Reviewed KOF Maximum Impact in "Game Reviews" |
Aug 30, 2004 - 4 exciting bits of Cammy news up in "Cammy News"! |
Aug23, 2004 - A preview review of Rumble Roses is up in "Game
Reviews" |
Aug16, 2004 - Reviewed Street Fighter issue #9 in "Book Reviews" |
Aug 9, 2004 - SO much Cammy news! Guess where... yup, in "Cammy
News" |
June 28, 2004 - Very exciting Cammy news in "Cammy News" |
June 14, 2004 - Reviewed SF issue #8 in "Book Reviews". |
June 9, 2004 - Reviewed the July '04 issue of Japan's Arcadia Magazine in
"New Reports" |
May 31, 2004 - 3 new bits of Cammy new in "Cammy News" |
May 24, 2004 - Reviewed Disgaea and Final Fantasy XI in "Game
Reviews" |
May 10, 2004 - My review of Van Helsing in "Book Reviews". |
May 3, 2004 - Reviewed SF issue #7 in "Book Reviews". |
Apr 5, 2004 - "Cammy News" has some preview covers for the Street
Fighter comic! |
Apr 1, 2004 - "Book Reviews", "Movie Reviews", and
"Cammy News" have all been updated! |
Feb 19, 2004 - Reviewed SF issue #5 in "Book Reviews" and there's
new stuff in "Cammy News" too! |
Feb 9 2004 - The final FFX-2 review is up in "Game Reviews" |
Jan 26, 2004 - Two pieces of news in "Cammy News". |
Jan 19, 2004 - Reviewed SF issue #4 in "Book Reviews", and R:
Racing Evolution in "Game Reviews". |
Jan 6, 2004 - Happy Birthday Cammy!
The annual "Cammy Year in Review" is up in "Cammy News". |
Dec 30, 2003 - Last Cammy news of 2003 is in "Cammy News". |
Dec 18, 2003 - A review for Return of the King is in "Movie
Reviews". |
Dec 8-9, 2003 - Updated "Cammy News", "Book Reviews", and
"Movie Reviews". |
Nov 24, 2003 - Started a review for Final Fantasy X-2 in "Game
Reviews". |
Nov 17, 2003 - "Game Reviews" has reviews of Time Crisis 3 and
Onimusha Tactics. |
Nov 14, 2003 - "Cammy News" has something really exciting!! |
Nov 10, 2003 - "Movie Reviews" updated with the new Batman DVD. |
Nov 3, 2003 - "Cammy News" has great news, and a review of
Castlevania is in "Game Reviews" |
Oct 20, 2003 - "Book Reviews" updated with my thoughts on issue #2
of the SF comic (Cammy vs Chun Li!) |
Oct 6, 2003 - "Movie Reviews", "Game Reviews", and
"News Reports" are all updated. |
Oct 1, 2003 - Bad & good news in "Cammy News" |
Sept 15, 2003 - A Street Fighter comic review is up in "Book
Reviews", and there's more great "Cammy News"! |
Sept 1, 2003 - A new Cammy figure, & an update on Capcom's bogus Street
Fighter 15 poll in "Cammy News" |
Aug 11, 2003 - Even more Cammy news! ^_^ Of course that's in the
"Cammy News" section... |
Aug 4, 2003 - LOTS of great Cammy news in "Cammy News" (of
course) |
July 24, 2003 - More Cammy vs Chun Li news in the Cammy News section! |
July 21, 2003 - Details on the Cammy vs Chun Li comic in Cammy News! |
July 14, 2003 - 2 Movie Reviews, exciting Cammy News, and a Game Review too. |
July 7, 2003 - Added some interesting news to "Cammy News". |
June 17, 2003 - News on 2 great new Cammy toys in "Cammy News". |
June 16, 2003 - Reviewed Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow in "Game
Reviews". |
Apr 14, 2003 - Reviewed Soul Calibur 2 in "Game Reviews", and
have 3 exciting things in "Cammy News" too! |
Apr 7, 2003 - Reviewed Def Jam Vendetta in "Game Reviews" and
big news is up in "News Reports"! |
Mar 24, 2003 - Arcadia for April 2003 reviewed & news on SNK vs Capcom
Chaos up in "News Reports"! |
Mar 11, 2003 - Hey, Cammy's making news again! Check the "Cammy
News" section for the details... |
Mar 7, 2003 - Big Cammy news that may turn into HUGE Cammy news is in
"Cammy News" section! |
Mar 3, 2003 - "Cammy News" is fixed from last time, and
"Game Reviews" has a review of Tactics Ogre GBA. |
Feb 26, 2003 - Cammy news in "Cammy News" (of course!) and an
Arcadia review in "News Reports". |
Feb 17, 2003 - Wrote reviews for the DragonLance's Icewall Trilogy in
"Book Reviews". |
Feb 3, 2003 - DOAX reviewed in "Game Reviews" and game news from Japan
is in "News Reports". |
Jan 20, 2003 - I got an early copy of Guilty Gear X2, and the review is up in
"Game Reviews"! |
Jan 6, 2003 - Happy Birthday Cammy!
The annual "Cammy Year in Review" is up in "Cammy News". |
Dec 23, 2002 - A review of The Two Towers is up in "Movie Reviews". |
Dec 16, 2002 - Interesting rumor & discovery in "Cammy News", and
Metroid Prime in "Game Reviews". |
Dec 9, 2002 - Added reviews for SFA3 for the GBA, Fighter Maker 2, & Sly
Cooper to "Game Reviews". |
Nov 25, 2002 - 3 things are up in "Cammy News", and the final Wild Arms
3 review is in "Game Reviews" |
Nov 11, 2002 - New "Cammy News" is up, and in "Book Reviews"
is something about a Geisha... |
Nov 4, 2002 - More news about the Battle Angel Alita: Last Order is up in
"Book Reviews" |
Oct 28, 2002 - Wild Arms 3 is reviewed in "Game Reviews" and there's
something in "Cammy News" too! |
Oct 21, 2002 - The November 2002 review of Japan's Arcadia Magazine is up in
"New Reports". |
Sept 30, 2002 - ANOTHER NEW CAMMY FIGURE!! (again!)
Check out "Cammy News" for details!! |
Sept 23, 2002 - ANOTHER NEW CAMMY FIGURE!! See "Cammy News" all the
exciting details!! |
Reviews" for more info... |
Sept 16, 2002 - BIG review of the Oct '02 issue Arcadia magazine in "News
Reports". Lotsa great news! |
Sept 2, 2002 - Check "News Reports" for news on a new Capcom fighter as
well as GBA fighter news. |
Aug 19, 2002 - Reviewed the September 2002 issue of Japan's Arcadia magazine in
"New Reports". |
August 5, 2002 - Lotsa great news about artists, models, and books in "Cammy
News". |
July 15, 2002 - Added an Arcadia review & a Capcom Queens pt. 2 report to
"News Reports" |
July 1, 2002 - Whoa! Have you heard about Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
yet?! Check it out in "Game Reviews" |
June 24, 2002 - Reviewed the July 2002 issue of Japan's Arcadia magazine in
"New Reports". |
June 17, 2002 - Check "Cammy News" for something interesting, and
"Book Reviews" for the best book ever! |
June 10, 2002 - Check "Cammy News" for BIG news! And check
"Book Reviews" for something new too. |
May 29, 2002 - Added more to my review of Episode 2 and to my Resident Evil Cube
review. |
May 22, 2002 - Got some more pictures and news of the new Cammy figure in
"Cammy News"! |
May 20, 2002 - Episode 2 reviewed in "Movie Reviews", and Arcadia news in
"New Reports". |
May 13, 2002 - I finally finished RE Cube! Read all about in on the
"Game Reviews" section. |
May 6, 2002 - Part 2 of my "All About Resident Evil Cube" review is up
in the Game Reviews section. |
May 1, 2002 - Reviewed the Scorpion King in "Movie Reviews", reveiwed
Luigi's Mansion in "Game Reviews", and also started a Resident Evil Cube review
in "Game Reviews". |
April 22, 2002 - Added a review of Hot Shots Golf 3 to "Game Reviews". |
April 15, 2002 - News from the new issue of Arcadia magazine is up in "New
Reports"... |
April 8, 2002 - Blade 2 reviewed in "Movie Reviews", Aqua Knight reviewed
in "Book Reviews", and Tekken 4 reviewed in "Game Reviews". |
Mar 25, 2002 - Updated the "Cammy News" section with some strange news... |
Mar 18, 2002 - Reviewed the Resident Evil movie & updated "News
Reports" with a review of Arcadia magazine. |
Mar 11, 2002 - Added a review for Seaman to the "Game Reviews" page. |
Feb 25, 2002 - Reviews for Hoshigami and KoF EX NeoBlood are up in "Game
Reviews" |
Feb 18, 2002 - Updated "New Reports" with a review of the March issue of
Japan's Arcadia Magazine. |
Feb 11, 2002 - "Cammy News" and "Game Reviews" have been
updated. |
Jan 28, 2002 - Put up a review of the RE Code: Veronica novel in "Book
Reports". |
Jan 14, 2002 - Got new stuff in "News Reports" (2 things), and in
"Game Reviews". |
Jan 6, 2002 - Happy Birthday Cammy!
There's all sortsa new stuff in the "Cammy News" section. |
Dec 27, 2001 - Reviewed Final Fantasy X, Vampire Night, and SSF2 Turbo Revival in
"Game Reviews". |
Dec 19, 2001 - Review of The Lord of the Rings is up in "Movie Reviews". |
Dec 17, 2001 - Cammy's in Wizard Magazine! Check "Cammy News" for
more... |
Dec 10, 2001 - New Arcadia update in "News Reports"! |
Dec 3, 2001 - Updated the "Cammy News" with some really BIG news! |
Nov 19, 2001 - Updated the "Cammy News", and "News Reports"
sections. |
Nov 5, 2001 - "Cammy News", "Game Reviews", and "Book
Reviews" have been updated! |
Oct 29, 2001 - Added some good & bad news to the "Cammy News"
section, and 3 new reviews to the "Game Reviews" section. |
Oct 18, 2001 - Added a review of the November 2001 issue of Arcadia magazine to the
"News Reports" section. |
Oct 15, 2001 - Updated the "Cammy News", and "Game Reviews"
sections. |
Sept 24, 2001 - Got Capcom vs SNK 2 from Japan, so I put up a review in the
"Game Reivews" section. |
Sept 17, 2001 - Added news from the October issue of Japan's Arcadia magazine to the
"News Reports" section. |
Sept 10, 2001 - There are 4 new game reviews in the "Game Reviews"
section. |
Aug 30, 2001 - Added something about the new Capcom art book in the Book Reviews
page. |
Aug 27, 2001 - More good news in the Cammy News section! |
Aug 20, 2001 - Updates in the Cammy News section, the Book Reviews section, and the
Game News section. |
July 30, 2001 - More news on the new Summer Paradise Cammy arcade prizes added to
Cammy News |
July 27, 2001 - Put up a review of Planet of the Apes on the Movie Reviews page. |
July 16, 2001 - Losta news from the Aug 01 issue of Arcadia magazine added to the
News Reports section. And there's a couple of news items on the Cammy News page too! |
July 12, 2001 - A review of the Final Fantasy movie is up on the Movie Review page. |
June 13, 2001 - There's new Cammy news on the Cammy News page... |
June 8, 2001 - Two new game reviews are up... Gauntlet Dark Legacy, and Point Blank
3. |
June 7, 2001 - New stuff is up in "News Reports" and "Movie
Reveiws". |
May 21, 2001 - 2 new game reviews... Chocobo Racing, and Chocobo's Dungeon 2. |
May 17, 2001 - Added a book review for the 5 Resident Evil novels by SD Perry. |
April 30, 2001 - Page created! Everything's new... and there's at least one
review in each of the 5 sub-pages. |