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Japanese Fun Facts


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A story or fact a week sure starts to build up after a while, so I created these archives to make room for some of the newer fun facts on the main page.  Also, I created a list of all the different fun facts on this page so you can easily browse though what's available, and then click on the one you wanna learn more about.
Cammy's the best!

Fun Fact archives for January 6 to June 28, 2004

Here's a list of all the weekly Japanese Fun Facts.  Just click on the one you wanna read more about, and it'll take to down to it...
"The Dog" has come to America
Why guys love Japanese girls
Takara's Dream Machine
Giants vs Japanese in WW2?!
Dating in Japan
Guns & crime in the USA
A Fear of Birds?
Fat Americans
I think I'm turning Japanese
Tokyo Gov't to Ponder Panty Trade Clampdown
The influence of games on fashion
It's a small world (part 1)
It's a small world (part 2)
It's a small world (part 3)
It's a small world (part 4)
Baseball in Japan
Please don't be afraid of sushi!
Mansions and feminists
Staring contest gone wrong
A good Japanese food
Al-Queda in Japan?
Yakuza house
Mystery Girl


\.June 21 & 28, 2004 - Mystery girl
This is gonna be a 2 week Fun Fact because you're gonna need some time to figure this one out.  See this girl over to the right? Who/what is she?  She's made from bamboo, and she's almost 3 inches tall (7 cm).   And the last clue is that her foot is shaped like a tiny spoon.  (click on the picture for a better view) mystery-girl-tn.jpg (1470 bytes)
I got this for my dad a few years ago when I was in Nagasaki.  When I asked him to guess what it was, he tried to give a silly answer, but he came VERY close to the truth.  Anyhow, you've got a week to think about it... I'll tell you next Monday what it is.
Next Monday...
It's a Japanese Q-tip!  Yup, this is what Japanese people use to clean their ears.  But of course not all of 'em feature a naked girls.  That little spoon-foot is for scraping out the wax.  I've never tried it, but I can't imagine that scraping your ear with a little bamboo spoon is not very good!  I'll stick with cotton.
PS - I'm sure most people in Japan use cotton Q-tips nowadays too.  This is probably the traditional way of ear cleaning in Japan.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.June 14, 2004 - K-1
Back on December 1 of last year, I talked about what a superstar Bob Sapp is in Japan.  He's a fighter who's fought with the K-1 organization in Japan, and now they have come over here too.  Maybe you've seen it on ESPN.
Anyhow, K-1 is basically boxing with kicks... kick-boxing. It's a mixed martial arts league that's become very popular in Japan over the last few years, and now it's gaining momentum over here too.  With real boxing being such a joke nowadays, it's opened the way for K-1.  K-1 is real, it's got a buncha great names, it's international, and it's taking over the fighting world!   It's good stuff, you should check it out.
For more on K-1, check out the website at  It's got everything you'd want to know about this fun new sport that's making its way around the world from Japan.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.June 7, 2004 - Yakuza House?
The first time I was in Tokyo, a friend and I were walking around one of the smaller districts with a lot of residential homes, and we went by one house surrounded by a 10 ft wall, and on top of that was razor-wire.   And besides that, there were a bunch of security cameras.
It was really out of place, and with crime so low in Japan, I started to wonder what was going on.  I asked my friend, and he quickly said "Don't look at it... just keep walking".  A little while later, when we were 'safe', he explained to me that is was probably some Yakuza (Japan's mafia) house, and that's it's best to just totally leave them alone!
Aside from that, the only other time I ever remember hearing about the Yakuza in Japan was when one club got fire-bombed, and they said it had something to do with the Yakuza.  I don't really know how powerful they are, but I kinda got the impression that they really do have a very big underground system and quite a bit of influence.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.May 31, 2004 - Al Queda in Japan?!
Al Queda recently threatened Japan for supporting the US in the war on terrorism.  You might be wondering how they'd infiltrate Japan because Japan isn't nearly as multi-cultural as other nations are, so any terrorist operative would stick out like a sore thumb.  And you can't expect them to recruit any Japanese people for their insane schemes.  So how would they do it?   I have no idea, I think they're just trying to stir things up by talking tough, but Japanese Police are looking for a French man with ties to Al Queda who entered Japan about 9 months ago.
Let's hope nothing happens, but it's something to watch for...
PS - Ironically, what's happening in Iraq now is basically what happened in Japan about 60 years ago.  Look how it turned out... pretty damn good for both sides.  Japan and America have been best friends ever since!

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Cammy' the best!............
\.May 24, 2004 - A good Japanese food
People hear a lot about all the freaky things they eat in Japan, and there are a lot of strange things, but there are also a lot of really good foods too.  One of my favorite things is called "Okonomiyaki", which means something like "how you like it".
Okonomiyaki is basically like a pancake with some cabbage covered in special brown sauce. You can also add in all kinds of other things (vegetables, noodles, meat, etc.) but that's basically what it is.  When you go to eat it, it's usually cooked right in front of you, and then whenever you need more, you can tell the cook what you want.  It's also a very popular food at festivals.
Anyhow, if you ever get the chance give it a try... I think you'll probably like it.  For more on Okonomiyaki, check out this website... Otafuku Web.  It's got everything you'd ever want to know about Okonomiyaki in English.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.May 17, 2004 - Staring contest gone wrong
I heard a very strange story on the radio about Japan today.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find any references to it anywhere online, but here's the gist of it...  Somewhere in Japan they had a staring contest.   The first person to blink loses.  There was a big group of people who paired up and stared each other down, and then the winners paired up with another winner until there was only one person left standing. 
Japanese people love these silly group games.  Another popular game like this is paper, scissors, rock (jan, ken, pon) where the whole crowd takes on somebody on stage with a microphone.  For instance, if the guy on stage picks rock, then all the people in the crowd who picked scissors are eliminated.   Then they keep going until there's only one person left standing.
Anyhow, back to the staring contest.   Apparently one guy who lost happened to see the guy who beat him a the airport and decided to spray him with mace!  Sore loser.  That's so un-Japanese, I can't even believe it.  And who in Japan carries mace?  Oh well, I guess there are crazy people all over the world...

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Cammy' the best!............
\.May 10, 2004 - It's a small world... part 4
I remembered one more story from Japan that shows what a small world we live in.  I had a friend in college that I lost contact with after we graduated (that happens SO much!).  Anyhow, one day while I was living and working in Japan, a buncha new posters got put up at my local train station, and guess whose picture was on there?  Yup, my friend.  It was some kind advertisement for Venezuela.  I never imagined that I'd be in Japan and run into my Venezuelan friend from college in California.
Speaking of friends from college, I also ran into 3 other people from college while I was in Japan.  I guess since I'm so tall, I really stand out in a crowd of Japanese people.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.May 3, 2004 - Mansions and feminists
Japan has been heavily influenced by American culture, but sometimes they get it just a little big wrong.  There are lots of words in the Japanese language that have been taken from English, but my 2 favorite screw-ups are "mansion" and "feminist".
In Japan, when a person says they live in a mansion, they mean they live in a nice apartment.  I guess there was a marketing campaign where they advertised their better-than-average apartments as 'mansions', and that stuck... so now mansions are simply apartments in Japan.  I have no idea what they call a real mansion, but when I think about it, where's there room for a house that big?
In Japan only men are feminists... because in Japan, a feminist is a guy who's really into females!  I remember when I was over there, they referred to President Clinton as a feminist when he got caught (again!) messing around with a girl his daughter's age.
Ironically, both of these words have almost the exact opposite meaning, so it really confused me when I heard them used them like that.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.April 26, 2004 - Please don't be afraid of sushi!
What is sushi?  It's basically raw fish with rice and a little bit of seaweed wrap to hold it together.  There are also a lot of sushi rolls which have some fish and other stuff wrapped in seaweed and rice, but those are for the most part not 'real' sushi...  kinda like Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food.
BTW, there's also something called "sashimi" and that's just raw fish without anything else.
A lot of foreigners are terrified of eating raw food.  Please don't let your imagination run wild... it's not like you're biting into a bloody hunk of fish or something that's unsafe to eat.
I don't like fish at all.  Seafood in general I don't like.  But, I love sushi!  Why?  Because it's not at all fishy... it doesn't smell like fish, it doesn't feel like fish, and it doesn't taste like fish.  There are dozens of kinds of sushi, and some are really nasty, but most I've had are very good.  I honestly don't think that there's anybody out there who wouldn't enjoy some kind of sushi.  It's really a simple and good meal, as long as you don't psyche yourself out.
For more reading on sushi, I found a great site called
PS - For a story on eating horse-meat sushi and live fish, check out the July 1, 2002 Japanese Fun Fact about "Strange Japanese Food".

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Cammy' the best!............
\.April 19, 2004 - It's a small world... part 3
Okay, one last story about what a small world it is.  This one's a second-hand story, but it's still pretty fun.   Anyhow, a guy I know at the Honda dealer went to Japan and he took a few t-shirts over there.  They love any old American t-shirt with a logo (car dealer, high school, etc.).  Then maybe a year or two later, he was in Hawaii on his honeymoon, and he happened to see a Japanese kid wearing one of the t-shirts he took over there!   Similar to that, I once saw a kid in Japan with a t-shirt from a small window cleaning service near where I live.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.April 12, 2004 - It's a small world... part 2
When I first started working for Mitsubishi in Tokyo, last year's new employees threw a little welcome party for all the new employees the year I joined.  While I was talking to somebody I happened to see a girl who looked familiar, and at the same time she saw me.  We both kinda looked at each other, and it was obvious that we both recognized each other, but neither one of us really believed that us meeting there was possible.  It was really a funny situation, and at one point she got up to come over, but then she sat back down because she thought there was no way it was me.  ^_^
Anyhow, my dad grew up in Germany after WW2, and while he was in school he had a pen pal in Japan.  That was almost 50 years ago.  This girl that happened to get a job with Mitsubishi the same time as me was the daughter of my dad's pen pal!  We met one time a few years before that, but it was still amazing that we happened to meet again in that situation.  And on top of that, her dad worked 2 floors below me.  I'm really glad that all happened because they became like a 2nd family for me while I was working in Japan.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.April 5, 2004 - Baseball in Japan
Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan.  Americans introduced it after WW2, and it's grown bigger and bigger ever since.  If you know anything about baseball, then you know a lot of Japan's stars like Hideo Nomo, Ichiro Suzuki, So Taguchi, and Hideki Matsui are coming to America and doing very well.
Anyhow, I was lucky enough to attend one professional game in Tokyo, and it was a good one... the Giants vs the Sparrows.   Both are Tokyo teams, so there was an extra rivalry in the game.  The biggest difference in Japanese baseball and American baseball is the crowd.  Here we sit, eat, talk, and maybe watch some of the game.  In Japan, people sing, chant, play instruments, wave flags, and totally get into it.  Since my game was Tokyo vs Tokyo, the crowd was split in half and they cheered back and forth the entire game.
Even if the game had been boring, it would have been a fun time, but it was actually a great game too... the Sparrows tied the game in the bottom of the 9th, but then in the 10th Hideki Matsui hit a homerun to win the game.  I tried to get tickets to more games, but it was always sold out!

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Cammy' the best!............
\.March 29, 2004 - It's a small world... part 1
When I was working at Mitsubishi in Japan, I was the only foreigner in the office.  One guy I worked with knew a guy from another department who spoke fluent English and also happened to live in the same apartment building as me.  He introduced us, and we started talking about where he lived when he was in America.  It started out California, then it narrowed down to the city of Davis, and eventually, we figured out that we were neighbors!!  The year before (my final year of college), he lived in the apartment underneath me, but we never met until that day in Tokyo, Japan.  What are the chances of that?!  ^_^

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Cammy' the best!............
\.March 22, 2004 - The influence of games on fashion
Iori Yagami's birthday is this Thursday, and that reminded me of something interesting I saw in Japan.  You know those funny pants he wears, right?  If not, click here.  As impractical as they are (especially for somebody who needs to run & kick during a fight), there were actually people on the streets who started wearing those pants.   It's kinda stupid but cool at the same time, right?  BTW, Iori and Kyo are two of the most popular guy characters ever... WAY more popular in Japan than Ken & Ryu!
Aside from Iori's pants starting a fashion trend, the style of almost every Final Fantasy game noticeably impacts the fashion in Japan.  How cool is that... games are so big in Japan that they influence fashion!  Tetsuya Nomura's games (FF8, FFX, & FFX-2) were by far the most influential.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.March 15, 2004 - Tokyo Gov't to Ponder Panty Trade Clampdown
This is a Reuters story that I copied a few weeks ago.  It's interesting in and of itself, but it also adds on to the March 3, 2003 fun fact about panty vending machines.
Jan 19, 2004 - TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's used panty sellers are among the targets of a raft of new regulations to be considered by city lawmakers in an effort to protect minors from the Japanese capital's thriving sex industry.
Finding a way of preventing the lucrative trade in young girls' underwear, which media say can command 10,000 yen ($94) a pair at sex shops, is among recommendations in a report presented to the city on Monday by an advisory body on youth issues.
Operators of sidewalk vending machines that dispense pornography are also likely to be asked to ensure that sales are not made to minors by requiring that all machines accept a drivers' license as proof of age.
Publishers, as well, may be asked to comply voluntarily with a proposal that they wrap sexually explicit magazines to prevent children from browsing through them at book shops.
The proposals also call for a ban on children under 18 entering Internet cafes and karaoke centers between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., to be enforced with a fine on business owners of up to 300,000 yen ($2,800).
"The aim of these proposals is to create a zoning system to keep the world of adults separate from that of children," said Tatsuo Mizuno, a Tokyo government official.
"It is the responsibility of adults to do this."
Concern about the sexual exploitation of minors, often in exchange for cash or gifts, has grown in Japan in recent years, with many offenders using Internet dating sites to contact children.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.March 8, 2004 - I think I'm turning Japanese...
When I was living and working in Japan, I had no contact with other living/breathing foreigners... except in the mirror.  After having lived in Japan for so long, I'd look at myself in the mirror and actually be amazed at what I looked like.  I was SO used to seeing Japanese people 24-7 that I looked like a foreigner to myself!  I have light brown hair, very blue eyes, & some freckles, and that was somehow fascinating to me.  Can you imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and being amazed by what you look like?
Another thing that was strange about living there for so long was that I started to dream in Japanese.  I'd speak fluently and understand everything in my dreams, but in real life I still had a lot of Japanese left to learn.   I living abroad is definitely an interesting experience!

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Cammy' the best!............
\.March 1, 2004 - Fat Americans
Americans are fat.  I've spent a lot of time living & travelling in Europe and Asia, and there's no doubt that Americans are fat.   However, being that there are more fat people than regular people, it's actually become 'normal' to be fat, so I don't think many people here really notice it.  For instance, skinny girls (models, actresses, etc.) are thought to be sickly, when they are in fact normal.  If you go to Asia, you'll see that most of the girls look like that, and they're not sick.
Japanese people are generally of the opinion that Americans are fat.  I know this because I've been asked about it a lot.  When one guy I knew came back from his honeymoon in Hawaii, he asked me... "Are all American's really that fat?"  And when my mom came to visit me in Japan, somebody I worked with asked "Is she fat?"  I've also been asked "Americans are really into diet and fitness, but why are they so fat?"  In some ways Japanese people have a child-like innocence, but that's actually pretty nice because you know what they're honestly thinking.
Out of all the hundreds of people I've met in Japan & Asia, I met many people who were a bit chubby, but I can only think of three people who were actually fat.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.February 23, 2004 - A fear of birds?
Until I went to Japan, I'd never met anybody who was afraid of birds.  Of course anybody who sees Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" is a little freaked out, but that doesn't last.  However, I know two girls in Japan who are totally freaked out by birds.  One hates 'em all, and the other is especially afraid of ducks.  In both cases, we were just walking down the street and all of a sudden we had to go a different way because there were some birds.  I thought it was quite funny, but they were serious.  Neither one had a good reason for not liking birds... they just said that don't like 'em.  I wonder if there's some reason for Japanese girls being afraid of birds, or if my experience of knowing two girls with bird-phobia is just a really big coincidence?

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Cammy' the best!............
\.February 16, 2004 - Guns & crime in the USA
From what they see on TV, a lot of Japanese people think America is a totally wild place where guns and crime are rampant.  I've gotten asked quite a few times about that.  When I tell them that I know lots of people who have guns, and that I've shot a gun, they're totally amazed.  But it's really no big deal... we all have fists, but how many of us use 'em to punch people?  And I also tell them that no matter how much it's in the news, I've never known anybody who was kidnapped, mugged, raped, murdered, or anything like that.  Out of all the people that I know (thousands) and all the people I've met, it's never come up.  Sure America isn't as super-safe as Japan, but it's not what you see on the news or in movies either!

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Cammy' the best!............
\.February 9, 2004 - Dating in Japan
Dating in Japan (especially in Tokyo) is a very hard thing to do!  First of all, the way Japanese people work so much, it's very hard to meet somebody, and then it's hard to find the time to get together with somebody.   Scheduling something ahead of time is very difficult, and things always seem to come up, so a lot of dates get delayed or cancelled at the last minute.  If you go after work, there's usually a very limited time to go out and have fun because most people have to leave time to travel by public transport (run times & distance).  People usually have at least one day free on the weekends, but that's the only time you have to clean, shop, etc., so that's not very good either.  And on top of all that, if you do manage to meet a girl and start up a relationship with her, it's very hard to find any time alone because there's very little private space in a city like Tokyo!  There are so-called "love hotels", but you're not gonna take a girl there for a first kiss or anything like that.  Tokyo has tons of great places to go on a date, but that's only if you can find the time...

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Cammy' the best!............
\.February 2, 2004 - a MAJOR LEAGUE mistake!
Have you heard about the Japanese baseball player who came to America... and then people found out he starred in a gay porno?!  Whoops!!   This guy is very good, but he couldn't play in Japan because no teams would have him, so he came to the USA.  We're a little more accepting over here (some of us are), but it's something that he'll probably never live down.  At least he says he can't understand English, so if fans heckle him, it won't mean much.  However, how his teammate will treat him is another issue because although he says he's not gay, there can't be many guys in the locker room who'll feel comfortable exposing themselves to him.   This has to be one of the dumbest things anybody has ever done, and although I do kinda feel sorry for him, he definitely brought all this upon himself.  For more on the story, click here.
I don't know much about homosexuality in Japan, but I kinda got the impression that girl on girl is kinda okay, but guy on guy is something that's not tolerated at all.  In all my time there, I only saw one couple of gay guys that I know of (it was very obvious).  Oh, and there is one notorious male cosplayer in Tokyo who likes to dress up as Morrigan & Lilith.  He walks around the shows in his little thong leotard, and people avoid him like the plague!  It's very nasty, but kinda funny at the same time ^_^

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Cammy' the best!............
\.January 26, 2004 - Giants vs Japanese in WW2?!
Ever listened to Coast to Coast AM?  It's a late-night talk show about UFOs, ghosts, conspiracies, and other nonsense (but VERY fun to listen to!).  I was listening a few nights ago while there was a guest who talked about giants.  The one thing that really interested me was a bit he told about a Japanese encounter with giants during WW2...
I'm paraphrasing this, but I think I remember it correctly.  On the Solomon Islands, there is a Japanese war memorial for all the fallen soldiers that died during WW2.  At the base of this memorial is a carving of a reptilian creature holding a ray-gun in its tail!  And not only that, but that ray-gun pointed right in the direction to a hidden UFO base!!  He was still trying to get a hold of the Japanese artist so he could ask some questions about all that.
Anyhow, when the Americans arrived, they expected a big fight with the Japanese, but there was nobody there... they all mysteriously disappeared.   The giant 'expert's' theory on all this is that the Japanese soldiers based there encountered alien giants living on the island, and they were killed and eaten!
Crazy stuff, huh?  Anyhow, here's a website if you wanna learn more about it...   There's a lot on giants, but if you wanna get right to the Japanese stuff here's how to find it:  Edit > Find > "Japanese".  It's about 40% of the way down the page.  Enjoy!  ^_^

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Cammy' the best!............
\.January 19, 2004 - Takara's Dream Machine
I was sure I'd written a Fun Fact about Takara's Bow-lingual, which translates your dog's barks, but I can't find it.  After that, they created the Meow-lingual for cats.  And now, Takara has a machine that will allow you to control your dreams!  It's called the "Yumemi-Kobo" (Beautiful Dream Factory), and it's gonna retail for about $140 this Spring in Japan.  Before you go to bed you're supposed to describe the dream you want to have (the machine records it), and then while you're sleeping, it detects when you enter deep sleep and starts to play back what you talked about.  Somehow your subconscious picks that up and you dream about that.  Crazy, huh?!  Anyhow, for more on this topic, check out this article from Yahoo! Asia News.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.January 12, 2004 - Why guys love Japanese girls
I needed a lot more space than this to explain and cover this topic, so I ended up turning it into my Random Rant for January 12, 2004.

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Cammy' the best!............
\.January 6, 2004 - "The Dog" has come to America
Back when I went to Japan in April, "The Dog" arcade prizes were all over the place.  I even mentioned it in my Japan 2003 report (on the Misc. Page), and included this picture.   Well, for those of you that live in the USA, have you noticed that "The Dog" is now over here too?!  I've seen the little plush figures at Walgreen's, a kid at the park wearing a t-shirt, and "The Dog" candy at K&B Toys.   Look around, and I'm sure you'll see it too.
PS - Happy Birthday Cammy!!  ^_^

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For older fun facts check out:
Fun Facts Archives #1 (June - December 2002)
Fun Facts Archives #2 (January - June 2003)
Fun Facts Archives #3 (July - December 2003)
Fun Facts Archives #5 (July - December 2004)
Fun Facts Archives #6 (January - June 2005)
Fun Facts Archives #7 (July - December 2005)