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Japanese Fun Facts


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A story or fact a week sure starts to build up after a while, so I created these archives to make room for some of the newer fun facts on the main page.  Also, I created a list of all the different fun facts on this page so you can easily browse though what's available, and then click on the one you wanna learn more about.
Cammy's the best!

Fun Fact archives for July 4 to December 26, 2005

Here's a list of all the weekly Japanese Fun Facts.  Just click on the one you wanna read more about, and it'll take to down to it...
He wins again...  49 hot dogs!
Punching kids in the head?
What I missed while I was in Japan
"I don't speak any English, you take him..."
"pants" = underwear
60 years ago...
NO touch!
Cupie Mayonaise
Sumo notes
Sumo excitement!
Yakuza are attacking the US?!
Wrestling in Japan
Women's wrestling in Japan
Motorcycle gangs
Akira Kurosawa's 7 Samurai
Akira Kurosawa's Kagemusha
You can drive?!
Taco Bell
No apology for WW2
No left-handed people
Christmas spirit



.December 26, 2005 - Christmas Spirit
Japan celebrates Christmas just for the fun of it!   They've got all the Christmas spirit in the world, but they don't even go through with the presents... just the decorations, music, and all that fun stuff.
One of my favorite Japanese Christmas things is a Final Fantasy XI player from Japan named Milkycoco (on the Titan server).  Every year at Christmas time she puts on a big show with magic, fireworks, and songs.  She must work very hard at it!  And it's just an online video game LOL  But to me it's a classic example of how Japanese people can get into the spirit of things like nobody else!   They know how to have a good time for good time's sake ^_^

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Cammy' the best!
.December 19, 2005 - No left-handed people?
Something like 1/10 out of people are left-handed, but one thing I eventually noticed in Japan was that I never saw any left-handed people.  So I started looking for it, but I don't know if I ever saw one.  I don't think I did.   I don't know for sure, but they probably teach kids when they're young NOT to be left-handed.  With so much stress on conforming to society, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Cammy' the best!
.December 12, 2005 - No apology for WW2?
For a while now China has been asking Japan to apologize for what it did during WW2.  However, Japan refuses.  Why?  Everybody knows what they did, and how brutal they were...
I'm not totally sure, but I'm guessing that the Japanese government of totday will not apologize for what the previous rulers did over 60 years ago.  It's not their place to apologize for another regime, and furthermore, I think they think it's a silly mind game that China's trying to play, so they won't go along with it.  It's been over 60 years, and a few words aren't gonna change what happened way back then.  To be honest, I don't blame Japan.  I'm sure they are sorry, and there's NO doubt they've totally changed, but I don't like what's happening now, and I'm sure they don't either.  (never trust communists! LOL)

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Cammy' the best!
.December 5, 2005 - Taco Bell
All the Japanese people I know who've come to America have loved Taco Bell!  However, I've never seen a Taco Bell in Japan.  I wonder why?   Taco Bell is owned by the company that own Pepsi and Pizza Hut, and I know they're both in Japan.  Mexican food in general is pretty rare in Japan.  But doesn't everybody like Mexican food?  I think so LOL.  It's easy to make, there's a lot of variety, and it's a lot healthier than burgers, pizza, and fried chicken.  Heck, some of the burritos even have rice ^_~

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Cammy' the best!
.November 28, 2005 - You can drive?!
The 1st time I went to Japan, I was 21 years old.   I'd been driving for 5 years already.  Anyhow, I worked at a home for displaced children and we had some little trucks we used to drive around on the grounds.   The kids where totally shocked that I could drive!  It's not that we get to drive so early in the USA (although some of the people I worked with were shocked about that LOL), but the kids just didn't have much of a concept of how old I was!  They didn't really understand that I was an adult... even though I was 6'7" (2 meters) tall.  I always thought that was funny!  When you go to other countries like that, there are lots of little misunderstandings that you'll run into like that.   They seem SO silly, but when you think about it, maybe it's not so silly.

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Cammy' the best!
.November 21, 2005 - Memoirs of a Geisha: the Movie
You had to have heard of this book... I think every female I know read it.  It was a HUGE hit!  And it's really a good book.  I even read the biography of the geisha who the book was based on.  Anyhow, now it's a movie.
I watched the trailer, and to be honest, it doesn't look good.  1st thing that bothers me is that she has blue eyes.  The real girl had really had light, kinda gray eyes, but it wasn't as exaggerated as the movie.  2 other things I noticed was that the actors in the movie look more Chinese than Japanese, and the accents seemed pretty bad.  I may be just a little bit paranoid and my mind's playing tricks on me, but I don't think so.  And it generally seemed so stylized that it didn't seem real... 'too Hollywood'.  I get the impression that this movie is to Geisha and Japan like Chinese food and Taco Bell is to real food in China and Mexico LOL.   But the book was good!
Anyhow, to see for yourself, check out the official website.

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Cammy' the best!
.November 14, 2005 - Akira Kurosawa's Kagemusha
OK, you liked the 7 Samurai and you wanna see another good Samurai movie?  I got one for you... it's called Kagemusha. Kagemusha
The basic storyline of this movie revolves around a thief who gets caught snooping around the castle happens to look A LOT like the warlord (probably an illegitimate brother).  Anyhow, when the warlord gets killed, the clan gets the thief to pose as the warlord.  Only the very innermost circle knows about it because it was a random gunshot that happened to hit him.  He not only has to fool the enemies of the clan, but he has to fool the warlord's own family!
It's really an interesting movie on so many levels... from the mental game of a common peasant thief trying to be the warlord of a powerful clan to some really awesome battle scenes.  Historically, it also takes place at a great time in Japan's history... the period of the "Warring States".  Nobunaga Oda and a few other famous real-life historical figures are in the film too.

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Cammy' the best!
.November 7, 2005 - Akira Kurosawa's 7 Samurai
Akira Kurosawa is the most famous samurai movie director, and this is his most famous samurai movie!  I'm not too big on movie history, but I know this was an extremely influential movie around the world. The 7 Samurai
This movie was released in 1954 (just 9 years after WW2), and it's about a poor rural village of farmers who are being attacked by bandits.  It takes place in the 16th century, when the samurai were really at their height during the Warring States period (the process that unified Japan in 1 nation).  Anyhow, the farmers can't defend themselves, so they set out to find some down-on-their-luck samurai who will work for food.
I can't quite say what makes this movie so great, but it is.  I think it's the combination of a good, simple storyline with a lot of really interesting characters.  Check it out, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

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Cammy' the best!
.October 31, 2005 - Tampopo
This is one of the greatest movies to ever come out of Japan!  It's a great movie in any country.  It's one of those comedies that you can watch over and over and still laugh.  For me, it's got some special meaning because there's a lot of Japanese cultural stuff I can relate to, but every person who's never been to Japan who's seen the movie loves it too!  If you can find a copy, definitely go check it out!!
Anyhow, the movie is basically about 2 truck drivers who take some time off to help a widow become a ramen cook so she can take over her husband's noodle shop.  But aside from that storyline there are lots of little storylines that break off from the main plot, and they all have something to do with food.  For instance, there's one funny scene where a bunch of Japanese housewives are learning to eat spaghetti with a fork & spoon like Westerners do.  The lady teaching them in the restaurant is pointing out how you're supposed to be very quite when you eat (Japanese people tend to slurp noodles).  But right as she's doing that, they hear a loud slurp and see a white guy chowing down on a plate of spaghetti!  The ladies all ignore the teacher and follow the white guy's bad example.
For a little more info on the movie, check out the listing at or
Ummm... one thing I noticed at used DVDs of Tampopo sell for $113-182.   Whoa!  I'm gonna sell mine LOL  If you find one at a video store, steal it, sell it, pay the fine, and probably make some good money >.>;

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Cammy' the best!
.October 24, 2005 - Motorclycle gangs?
The 1st 2 times I went to Japan, I stayed in the city of Kumamoto on the island of Kyushu.  It's a small to medium sized city on the southern most island (of the 4 main islands).  I was actually outside of the city, but sometimes when I was in the city out late at night 10pm - 1am, I'd see punks on motorcycles riding around messing up traffic.  They'd rev up their engines and just be really distracting and loud.  Sometimes there were guys riding on back swinging sticks... never hitting anything... just swinging.
To this day, I have no idea WTF that was all about.   I never saw that kinda thing in Tokyo or any of the other cities I visited in Japan.  Maybe just a local gang?  Who knows.  But it'll always stand out because that kinda public disturbance is very rare in Japan.

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Cammy' the best!
.October 10, 2005 - Women's Wrestling in Japan
Like I said last week pro-wrestling in Japan is very big.   Well, it's not just men... women too!  Over here, I think women's wrestling is just a gimmick, but over there it's as serious as the mens'.  I really don't know much about it, but I know that it's popular and it has a very long history.  There are even a few different women-only wrestling organizations.  I did a few searches in Japanese and found these links that you should check out if you wanna see a little bit more...
GAEA Japan official English site
The official site of one of the big organizations.  Has a nice history of women's wrestling in Japan and GAEA.
Viewing notes for "GAEA Girls"
Also in English.  Seems to be about a documentary on women's wrestling in Japan.   Has links to other sites in English.
Cammy' the best!
*note* from what little I've seen, a lot of women are very... ummm... manly.

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Cammy' the best!
.October 3, 2005 - Wrestling in Japan
Pro-wrestling in America has become a cross between a circus and a soap opera.  It's never really been a sport because it's fake, but that's kinda what it was considered.  Sure they're amazing athletes, but it's not really about that now.
But in Japan it's still a sport!  In fact, one of the things that always made me laugh was that the results of the matches are posted in newspapers just like baseball and soccer.
Wrestling has a long as respected history in Japan, and it's still very popular.  I don't know too much about it, but what I do see reminds me a lot more of the traditional wrestling I saw when I was a kid (the good old days).   It's not ridiculous stuff like the tagteam of the Nazi's vs the Priest & the Firefighter.
Anyhow, here's a link to an English website that's apparently about wrestling in Japan in case you're interested... Strong Style Spirit

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Cammy' the best!
.September 26, 2005 - Yakuza are attacking the US?!
Here's a recent bit of news that concerns Japan...
Wow, do you think it could be true?!  @_@  ROFLMAO!!
Weatherman Claims Japanese Mafia Behind Hurricane Katrina
POCATELLO, Idaho (Wireless Flash) – Here’s a theory that’s sure to cause a storm of controversy: A meteorologist in Pocatello, Idaho, claims Japanese gangsters known as the Yakuza caused Hurricane Katrina.
Scott Stevens says after looking at NASA satellite photos of the hurricane, he’s is convinced it was caused by electromagnetic generators from ground-based microwave transmitters.
The generators emit a soundwave between three and 30 megahertz and Stevens claims the Russians invented the storm-creating technology back in 1976 and sold it to others in the late 1980s.
Stevens says the clouds formed by the generators are different than normal clouds and are able to appear out of nowhere and says Katrina had many rotation points that are unusual for hurricanes.
At least ten nations and organizations possess the technology but Stevens suspects the Japanese Yakuza created Katrina in order to make a fortune in the futures market and to get even with the U.S. for the 1945 bombing of Hiroshima.

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Cammy' the best!
.September 19, 2005 - Kikkoman
This isn't what I was gonna talk about, but it's SO much better than what I had... ROFLMAO!!
Kikkoman is Japan's biggest brand of Soy Sauce.  You can buy it at any grocery store in America too.  Anyhow, they have a horrible mascot named Kikko-man, and this is a hillarious flash animation making fun of it... "Fight Kikkoman!"
Sure it's a spoof, but what's scary is that it's really not so exaggerated! @_@  Japanese humor is very strange, but that's what I love about it!

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Cammy' the best!
.September 12, 2005 - Sumo excitement!
One of the coolest things to happen in a sumo match is when there's a big upset!  Normally that's always exciting, but at sumo matches the fans throw their pillows down into the ring, and it's a really cool sight!  Kinda like a hat trick in hockey, when all the fans throw hats down onto the ice.
Why pillows?  Because they don't really have seats in the sumo halls, so people sit on little cushions instead.  I would love to know how that custom got started...

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Cammy' the best!
.September 5, 2005 - Sumo notes
I've talked before about how I got into sumo wrestling when I was in Japan.  At 1st is was just something I watched because it was kinda funny to see huge fat guys in thongs knock each other over, but it didn't take long before I started to understand and respect the sport.
One thing I was explaining to some friends this weekend is that a sumo match is MUCH more than the physical action.  That part takes only a few seconds, but there's a couple of minutes of other stuff that leads up to that.  They do a lot of ceremonial stretching, and you'll also see them throwing salt all over the place (every time they enter the ring).  When that's all done, they line up and get ready to fight... but they never just line up and fight.  They'll line up and back off a number of times.  During this period they stare at their opponent and do other things to measure or psyche them out.  This part of it can last a few minutes, and it's pretty silly until you kinda understand it.  And then all of a sudden the match is on!

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Cammy' the best!
.August 29, 2005 - Cupie mayonaise
In America, it's VERY important to keep mayonnaise refrigerated because it can make you very sick if it gets warm and spoils.  However, in Japan the mayonnaise doesn't get kept in the fridge.  It's very safe, and it's good, but it's kinda scary to eat the 1st time.
Anyhow, when I worked at an orphanage, whenever we had cabbage salad, the 8 kids I lived in a house with would totally smother it in that Cupie brand mayonnaise.  They'd use up an entire bottle!  They loved it!!
BTW the chain of supermarkets where I live (Schnucks in St. Louis) has this mayonnaise in the Asian Foods section!  Maybe your store does too?

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Cammy' the best!
.August 22, 2005 - NO touch!
I can only think of 1 situation where somebody in a store was intentionally rude to me...
I was in a little doujinshi shop somewhere in Tokyo, and it was a typical little shop where comics are stuffed along all the shelved and piled up wherever else they'd fit.  There was a box on the counter and I started to flip through the comics in there (I saw a one with Cammy) and the guy in the store said "NO touch!" and he crossed his forearms in an X shape that I guess was some kinda sign language for "no".  He was really angry about it, and he kept repeating himself!  I just stared at him laughed a little because it was so strange and silly.  I really considered making a big show of touching all over the box, but I didn't.  I should have.
Anyhow, that was all very strange because I'm quite sure I didn't do anything wrong.  I think they just weren't processed and for sale yet.   But even when I have done something wrong (unintentionally of course), people don't mess with a 6'7" foreigner... but this guy was out for a fight or something.   Very odd.

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Cammy' the best!
.August 8, 2005 - 60 years ago...
This weekend was the 60th anniversary of the 1st A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima.  Tomorrow will be the 60th anniversary of the 2nd bomb which was dropped on Nagasaki.  Of course it's a horrible memory, but I'm convinced that it was unfortunately the right thing to do.
Wow, it's hard to justify killing 200-250,000 people.   It sounds SO stupid to say that it was a good thing, but you really gotta understand the situation.  I can't stress that enough... you really must understand the history of what lead up to it.  Anyhow, here's the 'logic' behind it...
By December 1945, it was obvious that Japan would lose the war, but they showed absolutely no signs of surrender.  Therefore, America would be forced to mount a invasion of Japan itself, and that would have been an absolute disaster!   Official estimates figured that up to 500,000 American lives would be lost in the process.  Of course the Japanese would lose even more lives than that.  Only by absolutely dominating the Japanese would the Americans truly win the war... one way to do that was to invade and fight for every inch of Japan, and the other was to use our top-secret weapon.
In the end, wiping out a city (Hiroshima) and killing over 100,000 seemed like the best idea.  But as we know, 3 days after the first atomic bomb was dropped, Japan STILL refused to surrender, so America was forced to do the same thing to Nagasaki.  Only then did the stubborn Japanese leadership finally give up because they knew they truly had no chance against the power and determination of the Americans.
War is crazy, and what's 'good' in war is never ever good in normal life.  Simply put, 200-250,000 Japanese people and 2 cities were sacrificed to save even more death and destruction.  It wasn't a good thing that was done, but it was better than the alternative.  And in the end, I'm proud to say that America spent tons of money and time building Japan back up.  Keep in mind that even defeated, Japan was America's bitter enemy, and after so many years of fighting, the last thing I'm sure any American wanted was to spend more time and money on the Japanese!   But they did because it was the right thing to do.  With America's help, Japan turned itself around and within about 20 years became more prosperous than ever!  As horrible as that time of history was, it ended up bringing about great things.  It was thanks to the 2 atomic bombs that all this was made possible.
Anyhow, that's the VERY brief reasoning behind it all.  There's a lot more to it, but I can't get into that here.  If you're interested, you should definitely go and study the history a little more.  It's fascinating stuff!
PS - If you're interested in learning about the bombing specifically, check out a book called Black Rain.

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Cammy' the best!
.August 1, 2005 - Pants = "underwear"
I've always thought it was very strange that the word the Japanese use for underwear is a foreign word they borrowed... "pants" (pantsu).   Underwear is what's under your pants!  What do they call pants then?   They call pants "zubon", another foreign word.
However, in a recent conversation I learned exactly why they call underwear pants, and pants something else.  Apparently, the English call underwear "pants".  Ah ha!  I wonder why Cammy didn't tell me that sooner?  So it's not the Japanese who are goofy, it's the Brits!  They also call soccer "football" when everybody knows "football" is that game with touchdowns, quarterbacks, and all that... the game played by the 49ers, Patriots, Rams, etc.
(LOL I'm just kidding... Cammy, you and all the Brits out there calm down ^_~)

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Cammy' the best!
.July 25, 2005 - "I don't speak English, you take him..."
A friend reminded me of this story, and I don't think I've told it here yet.  I checked back through the old Fun Facts and didn't see it, but I might have missed it (there's SO much now!).  Anyhow...
I went to a sit-down restaurant in Japan by myself one night after work, and I sat there for a really long time.  Nobody was coming over to my table to take my order.  Eventually 2 waitresses near my table started talking... they were debating who should take my order, but neither one of them wanted to because they didn't speak English.  What's funny is that they were talking right in front of me totally assuming that I didn't know any Japanese.  Finally I said "Excuse me, I can understand Japanese..."
They formally apologized and took my order.  I wasn't mad at all, but ironically the only thing that kinda upset me was that they were so impersonal about it.  It was really pretty funny, but they didn't laugh or anything like that.  Too many times the Japanese people are all-business, but that's a topic for another fun fact.

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Cammy' the best!
.July 18, 2005 - What I missed while I was in Japan
This really has nothing to do with Japan, but every time I hear the Macarena, I think of Japan...
It's because I came back one winter after spending 3 months over there, and while I was at an NHL game (St. Louis Blues!), I witnessed something very strange.  During a timeout, the Macarena started playing, and about half the people in the arena jumped up and started dancing!  I thought WTF is going on?!  That's when I learned that while I was in Japan, the Macarena became a big hit LOL  Thank goodness it never made it to Japan!

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Cammy' the best!
.July 11, 2005 - Punching kids in the head!
The 1st time I was in Japan, I spent the summer working at an orphanage.  One of the 1st things we did was clean out the pool.  You know, all the grime and stuff that built up over the winter. naruto.gif (8971 bytes)
Anyhow, some kids started acting foolish, and after being told to settle down a few times, the guy in charge started punching them in the head (not too hard).  That settled 'em down!
It seemed really strange to me, but I think it's pretty common over there.  I guess it's their way of spanking?  I've seen it one or two times after that.  To the right is a scene from Naruto where he gets the same treatment...

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Cammy' the best!
.July 4, 2005 - He wins again!  49 hotdogs...
I was just listening to the radio, and they announced that Kobayashi won the annual hot dog eating contest again!  He's a 127 pound Japanese guy who ate 49 hot dogs (with buns!) in 12 minutes.  Yes, that's 49 in 12.  I didn't make a typo.  BTW, his record is 50.5 hot dogs!
How is this humanly possible?  I have no idea!!   But it'll probably be all over TV tonight, so watch for it.  This event has grown so popular that he's even been shown on ESPN for the last few year.  Definitely check it out.  They say seeing is believe, but having seen it myself, I still don't quite believe it LOL
For a bit more info, check out the July 21, 2003 Fun Fact in Fun Facts Archive #3.

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For other fun facts, check out:
Fun Facts Archives #1 (June - December 2002)
Fun Facts Archives #2 (January - June 2003)
Fun Facts Archives #3 (July - December 2003)
Fun Facts Archives #4 (January - June 2004)
Fun Facts Archives #5 (July - December 2004)
Fun Facts Archives #6 (January - June2005)