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News flash: Cammy's the coolest character EVER! |
Welcome to the "Book Reviews" archive. I created this section to save space and loading time on the regular "Book Reviews" page. The fact that the stuff on that page is newer doesn't really matter because books are always good, and they don't really get outdated for a long, long time. Besides, some of the books I read are quite old anyways, so my 'new' reviews might not really be because they're new. Anyhow, here are more books I've read and reviews. I hope you find something you like! |
News flash: Cammy's the coolest character |
.Resident Evil Code: Veronica by S.D. Perry | (Jan 28, 2002) . |
Finally, after one year, a new Resident Evil novel has hit the bookstore shelves! I was beginning to worry that Mrs. Perry had gone on to other things. Anyhow, as you can pretty much guess, this is the novelization of Code Veronica... in other words, it's the game turned into a book. If you haven't read my old review of the previous 5 Resident Evil novels, scroll down to the May 18, 2001 entry. |
I suppose there's not really much to report because you probably know the story, and everything I said about the previous RE novels by SD Perry holds true to this one, except that she seems even more clever and sarcastic (in a really fun way). Here's a quick sample... "Thankfully, her inner voice was a lot calmer than she was. She quickly went through her other pockets, turning up a couple of ponytail elastics and two breath mints in a crumpled roll. Terrific. Unless she wanted to take on the enemy with a very small, refreshingly peppermint slingshot, she was shit out of luck..." ^_^ |
The only complaint I really have is that the book could have and should have been longer. It's only 241 pages, and the type is kinda big. There were a few scenes I missed, and I thought she kinda blew through a couple of things which would have been worth detailing. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to many more! If you love Resident Evil, and want a quick, fun, and easy read, definitely check these books out! |
PS - about a year ago I thought about trying to find the author and giving her my Project CAMM740106 idea. You know that's the one where Cammy discovers that Shadowloo and Umbrella worked together to create the genetic modification techniques used on Cammy and the Shadowloo Dolls. Cammy could hook up with Jill and they could go kick some zombie butt! I really should get a hold of her! |
News flash: Cammy's the coolest character |
.Blood Stone | (Nov 5, 2001) . |
Publisher: |
Marvel Comics December, 2001 (released October 31, 2001) US $2.99 Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning Michael Lopez Scott Hanna |
Hey, I went to the comic store last week and found the fist issue of a new comic by Marvel called "Blood Stone". What attracted me was the picture of the blonde girl with the long pigtails like Cammy. I opened it up and saw the girl doing what looked like a Cannon Spike! That was all I needed, so I bought it. |
When I got home and read it, there were more similarities... the girl was raised in England, she's a fighter, she's as much as a smartass as Delta Red Cammy is, and she mentions something about a "cute red and green costume". The costume reference was about Robin (from Batman), but that's an interesting coincidence because Delta Red Cammy also has a cute red and green costume. |
Anyhow, the basic idea of the comic is that Elsa Bloodstone's father (whom she never met) was a monster hunter, and now it looks like it's her destiny to take over. It's not the most original idea, but how can you go wrong with a cute blonde pigtailed girl who fights vampires and other bad guys? I love it. The first issue was really good, and I'm looking forward to the next one. |
If you wanna check it out, now's the time! The first issue just came out on October 31, so you should be able to find a copy at your local comic store. |
News flash: Cammy's the coolest character |
.The Banned and the Banished by James Clemens | (Nov 5, 2001) . |
Series: |
The Banned and the Banished Del Rey Wit'ch Fire = 0-345-41706-2 Wit'ch Storm = 0-345-41708-9 Wit'ch War = 0-345-41710-0 Wit'ch Gate (coming coon) 9.5 |
This series is simply one of the best I've ever read, and I've literally read hundreds of novels. The Banned and the Banished is right there at the very top of my list near the DragonLance series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, and the legendary Middle Earth series by JRR Tolkien. I normally don't get into new series because there are so many in the DragonLance & Forgotten Realms worlds that I don't have to pick up much else. And when I do get something else, it's something that I know like Resident Evil, Ravenloft, Myst, etc. However, I picked up the first book, Wit'ch Fire a few years ago, and just now got around to reading it. I don't know what made me get it, but I'm sure glad I did! Take my advice and get into this series... and you'll be glad you did too! | |
The first book, Wit'ch Fire introduces you to the world of the Banned and the Banished. It's basically a 'Dungeons & Dragons' type world, but there are a lot of key differences that make it unique, and that ultimately is the genius in this series. Even if you're unfamiliar with dwarves, elves, ogres, and things like that, you shouldn't have any problems. Anyhow, Wit'ch Fire is all about a little girl named Elena whose hand suddenly turns red... she's a wit'ch, the first girl with magical power in a very, very long time. Once that happens, the powers of the Dark Lord who rules the land go after her, and that sets into motion a chain of events that will change the world. Every prophecy and legend seems to somehow tie into this poor girl. Elena learns that she's gonna someday free the world from the Dark Lord, but right now she's just a little girl who's scared, confused, and on the run. And although she's supposed to be very powerful, she's not yet, and she's got a lot to learn. | |
The second book, Wit'ch Storm, is where the series really got interesting to me. Book One is interesting, but you spend so much time learning about the world, and getting introduced to the characters, that things kinda start off slow. In Wit'ch Storm, Elena and her band of misfits continue their journey to the lost city of A'loa Glen, where they planning to retrieve the Blood Diary. Elena has learned a lot about her powers, and she's able to fight back now, but they're still in constant danger from the Dark Lord's evil minions. And hey, some of these evil guys are super cool! It reminds me a little of the bad guys from Ninja Scroll. And when I say they're evil, I mean EVIL, not 'bad'. This book's basic storyline is going from A to B, but there are so many incredible twists and turns and new developments that you really won't be able to put the book down (as I found out when I ended up reading in bed until 4 am!). | |
Things have come a very long way by book three, Wit'ch War, but there's still so much more that needs to be done. By now, Elena has become very powerful, and she's built up an extremely impressive force to battle the Dark Lord. They get ready for the first major battle of the war, the battle for A'loa Glen, but the Dark Lord is powerful, and he has many allies and tricks of his own... including a number of agents among Elena's most trusted allies/friends! The prophecies continue to play out exactly as was foretold, but things aren't always as they seem. | |
As I write this, Book Four of the Banned and the Banished series is due out in in a few months. It's not really clear if that's the end, or if there's gonna be more after that... we'll see! | |
Anyhow, what's strange about this series for me, is that there's no character that I really love... and you know how important characters are to me. There are a ton of great characters, it's not ALL about Elena, but none of them really excite me like a Cammy, a Wolverine, an Alita/Gally, a Terry Bogard, etc. The genius in this series is in the world James Clemens has created. I can't count the number of times I had to put down the book for a moment and think to myself "WOW... what an amazing idea!!!". But there were also a few times when I had to put down the book and think "WOW... this guy's a total pedophile!" ^_^ | |
Well, if it's not already obvious from my ranting praise... if this kinda fantasy storyline seems even remotely interesting to you, you've gotta check out this series!! | |
News flash: Cammy's the coolest character |
.Capcom Design Works | (Aug 30, 2001) . |
![]() |
It's the brand-new Capcom art anthology book that we've all been waiting for!! If you want to see some art, read an in-depth review, and get all the info you need to find a copy for yourself, check out the new "Capcom Design" gallery on Index 1 of the Capcom page. |
News flash: Cammy's th co |
.the Songs & Swords series by Elaine Cunningham | (Aug 20, 2001) . |
Series: |
Forgotten Realms - Songs and
Swords TSR / Wizards of the Coast Elfshadow = 0-7869-1660-5 Elfsong = 0-7869-1661-3 Silver Shadows = 0-7869-1799-7 Darkhold = 0-7869-1808-X The Dream Spheres = 0-7869-1342-8 9 |
Elaine Cunningham is one of my new favorite authors! She writes with a lot of detail, and her storylines are always complex, yet it's easy to read and follow. And, she comes up with some of the most incredibly clever plot twists I've ever seen! | |
Elfshadow introduces Arilyn Moonblade and Danilo Thann, the two main characters in the series. Arilyn is cool, but Danilo is absolutely one of the greatest characters ever! I don't wanna spoil is schitck, so I'll just recommend you get this book and witness the genius for yourself. | |
Anyhow, Elfshadow is about more than Danilo, it's about Arilyn's special "moonblade" sword that she inherited from her mother. Most of the book deals with Arilyn learning about what owning a moonblade means, while she hunts down an assassin who's killing her fellow Harpers. | |
Elfsong continues after Elfshadow and follows Danillo on a solo adventure. First, the Harpers (a secret organization dedicated to keeping the balance) have to deal with an assassin, and now somebody is somehow changing history and threatening the Harpers by changing what bards think about history. Anyhow, it's up to Danilo to solve this new threat in a special foolish way that only Danilo can! | |
Silver Shadows takes place right after Elfshadow, and it follows Arilyn on her own solo mission (at the same time Danilo is doing his thing in Elfsong). Anyhow, owing a moonblade is a big responsibility, and when duty calls, Arilyn is forced off on an adventure that's gonna forever change her life... and Danilo's too. | |
Darkhold takes a break from the Arilyn and Danilo saga, and introduces a new character, Bronwyn. She's a treasure hunter that works on commission, but the one thing she's never been able to hunt down, is her family. Unfortunately, her family finds her, and that's when the craziness begins, because like Arilyn, Bronwyn has a legacy and a responsibility too. | |
The Dream Spheres brings together all of Elaine Cunningham's characters in one big adventure. It's a complicated storyline with a ton of intrigue that's kinda hard to explain quickly and simply. But basically, there's a new magical item on the market, and it's causing all sorts of trouble. | |
Anyhow, that's it. There are actually a few short stories featuring these characters, but for now, that's it for the Songs and Swords saga. Miss Cunningham is working on a Councelors & Kings trilogy now, and I've heard that she'll be working on some more stories featuring another character, Liriel Baenre. But, The Dream Spheres left more than enough open for Elaine to continue the series someday... and I'm sure she will. And I hope she will! And I also hope that you take take my advice and read all of Elaine Cunningham's books too! | |
Miscellaneous Notes The picture I have of The Dream Spheres is the old cover... I couldn't find a copy of the new cover. All the other books all have alternate (old) covers too, but what's inside is all the same, so don't worry about which version you get. |
News flash: Cammy's the coolest character |
.the Resident Evil novels by S.D. Perry | (May 18, 2001) . |
Series: |
Resident Evil Pocket Books The Umbrella Conspiracy = 0-671-02439-9 Caliban Cove = 0-671-02440-X City of the Dead = 0-671-02441-8 Underworld = 0-671-02442-6 Nemesis = 0-671-78496-X 8 |
Most of you are probably big fans of the Resident Evil series, right? Like they did with Street Fighter 2, Capcom totally changed the gaming world with the first Resident Evil game. Not only did they invent the survival horror series, they created an awesome storyline that has almost limitless potential! | |
You probably new that already. However, I bet most of you never new that there is also a whole series of novels! A lady named S.D. Perry has been writing 'em since October 1998. | |
The first book, "The Umbrella Conspiracy", is basically the original game turned into a book. SD Perry does a really good job of combining the 2 storylines from the game into one book. The 2nd book, "Caliban Cove", is an original story that takes place at another Umbrella facility, and it features some of the lesser characters from the first game (like Rebecca Chambers) and introduces some new characters. The third book, "City of the Dead", is a novelization of Resident Evil 2. Like she did in the first book, SD Perry combines the two storylines from the game into one. The fourth book, "Underworld", is another original story featuring characters from the previous books/games. It's a lot like 2nd book in that some of the lesser characters (along with some original characters) go to check out one of Umbrella's hidden research facilities. And the last book, "Nemesis", is the novelization of Resident Evil 3. | |
At first, I was kinda hesitant about reading the books because I've never read a good novelization, but I'm such a big fan of the Resident Evil series, that I couldn't resist trying it out... and I'm glad I did because they were good books! Besides the high price of the books (to pay Capcom for the rights), the only thing I can complain about is that they could have been better. It's not that they were in any way bad, they weren't, but I thought there could have been more (the books were only about 240-280 pages). In my opinion, by far the best thing about the books was that SD Perry does a wonderful job of going into the heads of the characters and showing the reader what they are thinking as all the surprising, terrifying, and strange events unfold. A lot of the thoughts are very candid, and I liked that. | |
Anyhow, if you're a fan of the games, and you want some quick and easy reads, check out these books. I liked them a lot, and I think you will too. | |
BTW, I don't know if SD Perry is writing any more novels. There's obviously a lot more she can do (with Project Veronica, Survivor, etc.), and I hope she does. And if I can ever get a hold of her, maybe I can convince her to do my Resident Evil Project: CAMM740106 book about Cammy! ^_^ | |
News flash: Cammy's the coolest character |
.The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore | (April 30, 2001) . |
Series: |
Forgotten Realms TSR / Wizards of the Coast (http://www.wizards.com/forgottenrealms) Homeland = 0-88038-905-2 Exile = 0-88038-920-6 Sojourn = 1-56076-047-8 9 There are 2 ways to get this trilogy... in the collector's edition (picture's to the left), or you can buy all 3 books separately in paperback. Most local bookstores should have it, but an easier way to buy might be www.Amazon.com, or some other online retailer. |
This series takes place in the Forgotten Realms, one of the main worlds for Dungeons & Dragons. I've never played D&D, but I've long been a fan of their novels. Anyhow, the Dark Elf Trilogy is the history of one of Forgotten Realms' most famous heroes, Drizzt Do'Urden. Drizzt is a Drow (aka Dark Elf), but he's not like the rest of them (i.e. evil). The trilogy details Drizzt's life from birth through his settling in Icewind Dale. | ||
Book one, Homeland, begins before Dizzt's birth in the Drow metropolis of Menzoberranzan, deep underground in the vast caverns of Underdark. Although Drizzt struggles to understand the brutal society in which he lives, the young prince of a royal household grows up to be one of the most promising weapon masters ever. And all the while, his family fights to improve its rank in the hierarchy of Menzoberranzan. What role will Drizzt play? | ||
Book two, Exile, is the story of Drizzt's years living more or less alone. He was afraid that the Dark Elven society would destroy his integrity, so he left, but he soon learns that the wild tunnel-mazes of Underdark might do worse. Life is hard enough as is, but when his family throws everything they have into hunting down their renegade son, Drizzt is forced to run. Is there anywhere he can hide? | ||
Book three, Sojourn, is the tale of Drizzt's attempt to live on the surface of the world. It's a strange and hostile place for somebody wasn't meant to see the light of day. Drizzt travels across the world trying to find a new home, but he quickly discovers that the reputation of his evil people is well known and feared the surface-dwellers. Truly alone, Drizzt holds onto what he knows is right in order to survive. Will he ever find a home? | ||
Maybe all this talk of Underdark, Drow Elves, etc., is a little too strange for you? Well, that's what I thought too, but I'm really glad that I went ahead and read this trilogy anyways! R.A. Salvatore does a spectacular job of making the strange and exotic world of the Dark Elves very familiar. And, you'll have no problem with the world of the Forgotten Reams either. | ||
If you're looking for something new and exciting, I highly recommend that you check out the Dark Elf Trilogy. Not only is it your introduction to one of the most fascinating characters I've come across (and that's saying something), it's a good start for getting into the Forgotten Realms series too. If you read this, you've got at least 10 more novels staring Drizzt, and maybe a hundred more about other Forgotten Realms heroes & villains, so there's plenty for you to keep involved. | ||
Miscellaneous Notes Ever heard of the Baldur's Gate game for the PC? That's based on the Forgotten Reams series, and there's a spin-off about Drizzt surface homeland, Icewind Dale. After the Dark Elf Trilogy, the next Drizzt Adventure is the Icewind Dale Trilogy and it's just as good! And then there are 8 more books that should also be on your must-read list. |