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News flash: Cammy's the coolest character EVER! |
Cammy News from the year 2000... | |||||
Dec 12, 2000 | - | X-Mas Cammy cosplay! Wow, this has to be one of the most amazing cosplays I've ever seen! I think this is officially the greatest girl in the world. I wish we had girls like this in the USA. Anyhow, in case you don't know what this is all about, lemme explain it to you... this year there is a special Cammy Christmas arcade prize in Japan. It's Shadowloo Cammy dressed up in a special X-Mas outfit. The first picture below is that figure (click on it for a much better view). The next 3 pictures are of a cosplayer who I think calls herself "Clear", and she made an outfit exactly like the X-Mas Cammy figure and wore it to some cosplay show in Japan (you can click on those pictures for a better version too). Oh, I wish I had been there! But, at least these pictures made it to us... |
![]() |
![]() picture 1 |
![]() picture 2 |
![]() picture 3 |
Nov 25, 2000 | - | CANNON SPIKE IS OUT!!! Well, it's a little late now, so you've probably heard... Cannon Spike is out! It came out on November 17, and it's a great game! If you have a Dreamcast, you should definitely pick it up! |
For all the news on the Cammy and the game, check out the new ARSF Cammy gallery/page on the Cammy Info page! | |||||
By the way, there's something about Cannon Spike up on the Japanese Capcom site... see it here: Capcom.co.jp/GunSpike. And the Psikyo website is www.Psikyo.co.jp |
Oct 31, 2000 | - | New Cammy arcade prize in Japan!! After all this time, people must still love Cammy because there are always new Cammy things for fans to collect. Last year, a new Cammy figure came out around this time, and this year too! Yahoo!!!!!!! |
Merry Christmas!! |
There she is on the left! Click on the picture to get a better view. I've got mine already, and it's awesome! Check eBay or something like that, and you might be able to get yourself one too. | |||
Anyhow, isn't she awesome?!?! It's Shadowloo Cammy in a Santa coat, reigndeer horns, and she's standing on top of a piece of cake. WOW!! This is one of the coolest things in my collection. Japan is awesome, and so is Cammy! |
Sept 17, 2000 | - | All About Cammy in Capcom vs SNK... At first, she wasn't gonna be in it, but then they came to their senses! Shadowloo Cammy is one of the 16 Capcom characters that are available. It's more or less the Cammy we all know and love, but there have be quite a few modifications. First of all, for some stupid reason, she only has 1 super move... the Spin Drive Smasher. I don't know why they took away her Reverse Shaft Breaker and Killer Bee Assault. Maybe she was too powerful with all that stuff. Nevertheless, she's still a character that you want on your team... I can kick plenty of butt with her! The second change is in Cammy's voice... I think it's the same voice actress (Miss Akiko Kawamoto), but they redid the lines, and added a few new ones. At first, it was a little strange, but I got used to it pretty quickly. |
SNK Groove Cammy! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Another big thing to note about Cap vs SNK Cammy, is that there are 2 slightly different Cammys to choose from - SNK Groove Cammy, or Capcom Groove Cammy... you can play Cammy in the KoF style, or in the regular SF style. The 2 Cammys also have different portraits. The SNK portrait is very cool (that's it on the right). The Capcom portrait, however, is really ugly! I know it may be hard to believe that somebody could draw Cammy ugly, but they did... she looks goofy, and has a ostrich-like neck. I hope you never see it! >_< | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Each character has a rival from the other company. Originally, a Japanese magazine I got said that it was Cammy vs King, but it's actually Cammy vs Vice. If you don't know Vice, check out this picture... Vice is the girl with short hair. Anyhow, I don't exactly know why those two are fighting each other, but I do know that Cammy's gonna kick her dyke ass! Like most rival fights, Cammy and Vice have a special intro animation. Cammy does a slashing motion across her throat and says "Lock on!", while Vice says something like "Tell me, what is your mission...?". BTW, that slashing motion Cammy does is also her taunt. Sometimes she says "Lock on!", and other times she says "Come on!". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
There are actually 2 Cammy's in the game... regular Cammy and EX Cammy. They are basically the same, except when it comes to specials and supers. The difference with EX Cammy, is that she can do her Reverse Shaft Breaker super move and her Cannon Strike special move, but NOT her Spinning Back Knuckle or Cannon Drill special moves. EX Cammy is not worth playing because you're gonna get destroyed by anybody with fireballs. The Cannon Strike has style, but it's not very useful... the Reverse Shaft Breaker is a good move, but without the Cannon Drill, this Cammy is at a huge disadvantage. The loss of the Spinning Back Knuckle is a bad too because it helps to get through fireballs if you're good enough to use it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
There are 2 more interesting things... Vega's bodyguard before the final fight is Mike Bison, not Shadowloo Cammy! And the computer often teams Cammy up with Rugal. I wonder if Cammy's switched sides? SNK is cool, and Rugal is handsome & powerful, plus he has a pet cat (a black panther)... and Cammy LOVES cats. There's no real storyline to the game, so it doesn't mean much, but it's kinda interesting. Other than that, there's no big Cammy news. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The coolest Cap vs SNK feature...
the Color Edit Mode! This is just like the Color Edit Mode from the PlayStation's Vampire Savior EX. It's not as cool as the Color Edit Mode from Tobal No. 2 because you're really limited with the color scheme. The colors you can create are almost endless, but each character is only composed of a total of 15 colors. Many colors overlap, making editing kinda difficult. For instance, many colors in Cammy's skin are used for her hair too. So if you try to give her blue hair, you'll end up turning part of her skin blue too! However, there's still a lot you can do... and it's a lot of fun! It's too bad that you're only allowed to save 2 colors per character. Anyhow, I've spent many hours playing around with this mode. I absolutely LOVE this kinda thing! It's as good to me as the game itself. If you have the game, here are a few cool color schemes I created for Cammy... |
Sept 1, 2000 | - | The truth about he
Shadowloo Dolls finally revealed?! (Updated) I recently got a REALLY interesting e-mail from Yoshimitsu Suzuki. He has a Japanese book about SF Zero 3, and this is what it reveals... |
Vega's 12 Dolls aren't clones of Cammy. Instead, they were kidnapped from various places around the world (and then supposedly genetically enhanced like Cammy). Here's a list of their names and the countries they came from... | |||
1) Enero (Spain) - January 2) Fevrier (France) - February 3) Marz (Germany) - March 4) Aprile (Italy) - April 5) Satsuki (Japan) - May 6) Juni (Germany) - June 7) Juli (Germany) - July 8) Santum (Vietnam) - August 9) Xiayu (China) - September 10) Yanyu (China) - October 11) Noembelu (Latin) - November 12) Decapre (Russia) - December |
Here they are! click on the picture for a bigger version.... |
There's a simple pattern to the picture above... if you start and the bottom left with the karaoke girl, and then go right, that's January through June. Then, if you go up to Juli in the top right, and go right to Dark Cammy, that's July through December. If you click on the picture above, you'll see that I've added the names to all the girls. | |||
This has to be some of the most fascinating news I've gotten in a long time! I've always loved this picture because it's so cool, and quite rare, but now that we know more about it, it's even more special. | |||
And another great mystery is revealed... why does Decapre look just like Cammy?! Aside from the name, and the fact that she's from Russia, we don't know anything at all. I doubt it's just a coincidence... there's gotta be something behind it! Let's all pray really hard that Capcom someday tells us more about these 12 girls. |
Aug 30, 2000 | - |
Aug 17, 2000 | - | This page was created today. |
For Cammy News from the years
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